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Fitness for Life Canada Physical Activity Pyramid for Teen Poster

$26.95 CAD

$26.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781492519362

The Fitness for Life Canada Physical Activity Pyramid for Teens Poster is a bright, colorful, and informative reminder to children and young adults of the need for an appropriate mix of various types of physical activity. Developed by Guy Le Masurier and Charles Corbin, authors of Fitness for Life Canada, this poster is an excellent tool for teaching key concepts of physical activity and fitness. The poster reinforces information presented in Fitness for Life Canada.

Put the Fitness for Life Canada Physical Activity Pyramid for Teens Poster on the wall of your middle or high school gym, multipurpose room, cafeteria, hallway, or weight room to provide your students with an overview of a healthy, active lifestyle. With this poster, teens will learn suggested frequency, intensity, and time information for each type of physical activity.