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Fitness Education for Children-2nd Edition

A Team Approach

$41.97 CAD $59.95 CAD

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$41.97 CAD

ISBN: 9781450402552


Page Count: 272

In the latest edition of his book Fitness Education for Children: A Team Approach, Stephen Virgilio emphasizes the importance of collaboration to combat obesity and promote active lifestyles. Virgilio shows how you can combine the efforts of physical educators, administrators, classroom teachers, school volunteers, parents, school lunch personnel, health service professionals, and others in the community.

Virgilio provides new suggestions and information on incorporating the team approach to help schools meet wellness policy objectives. He spells out a school wellness approach with the physical educator as physical activity director and guides you in integrating school fitness breaks and activities in the classroom curriculum. He also

• offers new exercise, rhythmic, and pedometer activities as well as new fitness games;

• provides current research and statistics on childhood obesity and approaches to intervention;

• includes a completely new chapter on yoga (including activities) for school-aged children; and

• presents information on the stages of behavioral change, helping teachers modify long-term health behaviors in children.

This new edition also includes updated Activitygram/Fitnessgram procedures and a discussion of SMART goals. You’ll find a new section on teaching children with autism spectrum disorder and the current USDA’s MyPlate. You’ll also receive the most recent physical activity guidelines for children from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and help in developing programs that support those guidelines. And you’ll find updated references throughout the book as well as new websites for further information.

Fitness Education for Children also offers strategies for cross-curricular activities and classroom collaborations as well as suggestions for using technology to enhance your communication with students and parents.

Written for veteran and new physical educators as well as students preparing to enter the profession, this text covers the gamut of issues that educators need to know to provide effective fitness education. Those issues include the principles of fitness, teaching children with disabilities, planning lessons, teaching fitness concepts, collaborating with other teachers, and getting parents and your community involved. You also receive updated developmental exercises and active games and activities, and you’ll learn how to hold exciting schoolwide events.

Fitness Education for Children offers a blueprint for battling obesity in school-aged children by promoting healthy lifestyles. This book will help you understand the educational philosophy, instructional strategies, assessments, and pedagogical models that will transform your curriculum into a springboard to a lifetime of healthy activity for the children you teach.


Primary text for elementary physical education teachers. Supplemental resource for middle school and high school physical education teachers and classroom teachers. Also a resource for camp directors, childhood fitness specialists, and YMCA and Jewish Community Center directors. Text for elementary methods courses and in-service teachers.

Part I: Developing a Foundation

Chapter 1: A New Perspective in Elementary Physical Education

Heart Disease Begins in Childhood

Physical Activity as a Key Factor

National Physical Activity Plan

NASPE Physical Activity Guidelines for Children

Physical Activity Philosophy

Components of Health-Related Physical Fitness

Sport-Related Physical Fitness

Fitness Education


Chapter 2: A Team Approach to Fitness Education

Mixed Messages

Multidisciplinary Team Approach

Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs

Let’s Move and Let’s Move in School

School Wellness Plan

Health-Related Physical Fitness Testing

Youth Fitness Tests

Authentic Assessment


Chapter 3: Behavioral Change and Motivational Strategies

Rainbow to Youth Fitness and Active Lifestyles

What Motivates Children to Move?

Types of Motivation

Motivational Strategies


Chapter 4: Principles of Health-Related Physical Fitness

Core Principles of Health-Related Physical Fitness

Stages of a Physical Activity Session

Components of Health-Related Physical Fitness


Chapter 5: Fitness Education for Children With Disabilities

Individualized Education Plan

Guidelines for Inclusion



Autism Spectrum Disorder

Spinal Cord Impairments

Intellectual Disability


Part II: Planning and Teaching Fitness Education

Chapter 6: Teaching Strategies

Traditional Teaching Models

Humanistic Approach to Teaching Fitness

Spectrum of Teaching Styles

Instructional Technology

Class Structure


Chapter 7: Planning for Fitness

Sample Yearly Plan for Developmental Level III

Sample Lesson Plans

Fitness Education Lessons

Fitness Integration Lessons


Chapter 8: Teaching Health-Related Physical Fitness Concepts

Strategies for Teaching Fitness Concepts and Active Lifestyles

Scope and Sequence

Developmental Level I Fitness Concepts: Physical Activity Is Fun

Developmental Level II Fitness Concepts: The Best I Can Be

Developmental Level III Fitness Concepts: Let’s Get Heart Smart


Chapter 9: Collaborating With the Classroom Teacher

Interacting With the Classroom Teacher

Communication Strategies

Thematic Units: An Approach to Integrated Learning

Cardiovascular Health: A Thematic Unit

Health-Related Physical Fitness Classroom Activities

Developmental Level I Classroom Activities

Developmental Level II Classroom Activities

Developmental Level III Classroom Activities


Chapter 10: Getting Parents and Your Community Involved

Establishing a Plan of Action


Parent Education

Parent Participation During School Hours

Home-Based Activities

Community Involvement


Part III: Fitness Activities

Chapter 11: Developmental Exercises

Cardiorespiratory Endurance

Muscle Fitness


Exercises to Avoid


Chapter 12: Active Games

Characteristics of Developmental Games

Promoting Physical Activity Through Active Games

Developmental Level I Games

Developmental Level II Games

Developmental Level III Games


Chapter 13: Dance and Rhythmic Activities

Safety Precautions

Planning Developmentally Appropriate Activities

Developmental Level I Dance and Rhythmic Activities

Developmental Level II Dance and Rhythmic Activities

Developmental Level III Dance and Rhythmic Activities


Chapter 14: Yoga for Children

Helpful Hints

Breathing Poses

Standing Poses

Kneeling Poses

Sitting Poses

Lying Poses

Support Poses



Chapter 15: Schoolwide Events

Fitness Field Day

Fit for Life Family Night

Geography Run

School Health Fair

Early Bird Wake-Up and Afternoon Perk-Up

Jump Rope for Heart, Hoops for Heart, and Step for Heart

ACES: All Children Exercising Simultaneously

Recess Workouts

Fitness Clubs

Principal Walks

Holiday Classics


Stephen J. Virgilio, PhD, is a professor of physical education at Adelphi University in Garden City, New York. He has researched and studied childhood obesity and fitness education for over 30 years. He taught elementary physical education for six years before earning his doctorate from Florida State University.

Dr. Virgilio has authored four other books, including Active Start for Healthy Kids (Human Kinetics, 2006), which focuses on children ages 2 to 6. He has published over 75 manuscripts and conducted more than 150 presentations and workshops, including several keynote addresses. He is the coauthor of the nationally known Heart Smart Program, a school-based cardiovascular health intervention program.

Dr.Virgilio has been quoted in over 100 major newspapers, magazines, and websites. He has served on the editorial board of Teaching Elementary Physical Education; Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance; and Strategies. He has also served on several national committees and projects with the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE). In 2006, he was elected to the NASPE board of directors. He has been a consultant to school districts throughout the United States as well as Dannon, Fisher-Price, Sport-Fun, and Skillastics. He has also served as senior writer to the PBS children's TV show Kid-Fitness.

Since 1977 he has been a member of NASPE and the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.

Dr. Virgilio resides in East Williston and Seneca Falls, New York. In his spare time he enjoys bass fishing, kayaking, boating, traveling, and studying world economics.