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Fitness and Wellness in Canada epub With Web Study Guide

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Ebook With Online Resource
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ISBN: 9781492592389


Page Count: 416

Access Duration: 10 Years

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With content targeted specifically toward higher education students in Canada, Fitness and Wellness in Canada: A Way of Life With Web Study Guide presents evidence-based physical and mental health guidance to point students toward healthy choices that will develop into healthy lifestyles.

Authors Sarah J. Woodruff Atkinson, Carol K. Armbruster, and Ellen M. Evans have more than 80 years of combined professional experience in health and wellness, the majority of which has focused on the higher education population. This enables them to present the material in a contemporary manner that is relatable and easily understood by students.

Relevant information on topics such as cardiorespiratory exercise, strength training, stretching, nutrition, weight management, stress management, substance abuse and addiction, and sexual health will start students on the path to developing a healthy mind and body, which can lead to a better quality of life. Additionally, because Fitness and Wellness in Canada: A Way of Life emphasizes behaviour modification to develop desired habits, students are armed with the tools they need to make healthy lifestyle changes—for both the present and future:
  • A web study guide offers more than 50 video clips and practical learning activities to provide real-life context for the material.
  • Behaviour Check sidebars help students integrate health and wellness concepts into their daily lives.
  • Now and Later sidebars encourage students to consider how their actions today will affect them in the future.
  • The Functional Movement Training section shows exercises to strengthen specific muscles and explains their importance for everyday activities.
  • Infographics, research-based tables, and figures illustrate and reinforce key concepts so they are easy to understand.
  • Canada’s Food Guide is included to assist students in making healthy nutritional choices.
The companion web study guide offers students the unique opportunity to engage directly with the content and practice the exercises and strategies presented. Lab activities for each chapter will guide students in completing individual assessments, setting goals, and identifying the pros and cons of modifying their behaviour. Video clips of 48 exercises demonstrate proper exercise technique, and additional learning activities and quizzes gauge student comprehension of the content.

In addition, students will benefit from learning aids such as key terms, a glossary, and review questions for each chapter. Instructors will benefit from an abundance of online ancillaries: a presentation package plus image bank, test package, chapter quizzes, and an instructor guide that includes chapter summaries, chapter objectives, class outlines, sample answers to the chapter review questions, and suggested class activities.

The primary goal of Fitness and Wellness in Canada: A Way of Life is to provide evidence-based guidance to help students embrace living well. Students will learn how to make healthy choices and positive behaviour changes to lead healthier, happier, and more productive lives, now and in the future.


Primary textbook for undergraduate courses related to lifelong wellness, health, lifestyle management, and physical fitness.
Chapter 1. Staying Healthy and Well Throughout Life
Staying Healthy Through the Life Span
New Perspectives on Wellness
Components of Wellness
What Are Functional Movement and Wellness?

Chapter 2. Functional Fitness and Movement Choices
Understanding Physical Activity Recommendations
Integrating Sedentarism, Physical Activity, and Exercise
Fitting Movement Into Everyday Life

Chapter 3. Successfully Managing Healthy Behaviour Change
Are You Ready to Change?
Personalizing the Behaviour Change Process
Goal Setting Revisited
Safety First: Getting Started With a Personal Movement Program

Chapter 4. Cardiorespiratory Fitness
Your Energy Needs: Supply and Demand
Evaluating Your Cardiorespiratory Function
Cardiorespiratory Fitness Benefits You
Your Plan to Improve Cardiorespiratory Fitness
Safety First: Getting Started With Cardiorespiratory Fitness

Chapter 5. Muscular Fitness
Your Body Was Designed to Move
Key Definitions
Assessing Muscle Capacity
Muscular Fitness Benefits Your Daily Life
Designing Your Program for Muscular Fitness
Analyzing Your Fitness Choices
Safety Issues

Chapter 6. Flexibility, Neuromotor Fitness, and Posture
All About Flexibility
Mind the Stretch Reflex!
Neuromotor Exercise and Functional Fitness
Physiological Teamwork for Flexibility and Neuromotor Fitness
Preventing Low Back Pain

Functional Movement Training
Hams and Glutes
Lower Back
Hip Abductors
Hip Adductors
Chest and Front of Shoulder
Upper Back and Shoulders
Lats and Middle Back
Front of Upper Arm
Back of Upper Arm

Chapter 7. Body Composition
Body Composition Basics
Assessing Body Composition
Weight Status, Body Composition, and Your Risk of Chronic Disease
A Healthy Body Composition Benefits You—Today and in the Future!
Your Program for Managing Body Composition

Chapter 8. Fundamentals of Healthy Eating
Eating Well: Balanced and Clean
The Many Benefits of a Healthy Diet
Nutrition Recommendations and Resources

Chapter 9. Weight Management
Weight Management: One of Our Greatest Modern Health Challenges
Energy Balance Math
Weight Management Strategies
Daily Movement Is Essential for Weight Management
Psychological Concerns Regarding Weight Management
When Professional Help Is Needed

Chapter 10. Stress Management
The Contemporary Stress Experience
Common Stressors and Hassles of University and College Life
Key Stress-Management Strategies
Social, Stressed, and Sleepless

Chapter 11. Remaining Free From Addiction
Types of Addictions
What Is Substance Abuse and Addiction?
Psychoactive Drugs

Chapter 12. Sexuality and Health
Sexuality as a Dimension of Health
Reproductive System
Contraception and Birth Control Methods
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Reducing the Risks
Sexual Assault

Chapter 13. Reducing the Risks for Metabolic Syndrome
Are You at Risk for Metabolic Syndrome?
Evaluating Your Risk for Diabetes Mellitus
Cardiovascular Disease: Our Number One Killer
Prevention of CVD Starts Early in Life

Chapter 14. Reducing the Risks for Cancer
The Nature of Cancer
Who Gets Cancer?
Detection, Staging, and Treatment of Cancer
Causes of Cancer
Most Commonly Diagnosed Cancers

Chapter 15. Fitness and Wellness: Today and Beyond
Living Well Over the Life Span
Differences Between Physiological and Chronological Age
Approaches to Medicine
Finding Resources to Enhance Your Fitness and Wellness
Specific Wellness Concepts and SMART Goals Revisited
Our Health in the Future
Fitness and Wellness in Canada
Sarah J. Woodruff Atkinson, PhD, is an associate professor in the department of kinesiology at the University of Windsor and is certified as an exercise physiologist by the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP-CEP). She is a community-based researcher whose specific interests are environmental influences (e.g., family, peers, school, media) on nutrition, physical activity, body image, and other health outcomes. She generally pursues projects that allow her to be creative in knowledge translation and those with a strong emphasis on community health promotion and prevention. She has published over 50 manuscripts related to health, wellness, and physical activity, and she is regularly called upon by local and national media to share her expertise.

Fitness and wellness have always been part of her life, but never more so than since her 2015 diagnosis of lupus, a condition without any known cure. She embraces healthy active living in order to manage and prevent flares.

Carol K. Armbruster, PhD, is a senior lecturer in the department of kinesiology in the School of Public Health at Indiana University (IU) at Bloomington. During her more than 35 years of teaching college students and training fitness leaders, she has served on the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and American Council on Exercise (ACE) credentialing committees, and she is a fellow of ACSM. She is also an ACSM-certified exercise physiologist, holds the level 2 Exercise Is Medicine credential, and has level 1 Functional Movement Screening certification.

She previously served as a program director of fitness and wellness for the IU Division of Recreational Sports, where she managed a program that offered more than 100 group exercise sessions per week. Prior to working at IU, Armbruster worked at the University of Illinois, Colorado State University, Rocky Mountain Health Club, the Loveland (Colorado) Parks and Recreation Department, and the Sheboygan (Wisconsin) School District.

Armbruster enjoys combining her interests of teaching, community engagement, and translational research. Her doctoral work focused on translational research of active-duty military in the over-40 age population. She is especially interested in functional movement, worksite wellness outcomes, safe and effective movement instruction, and evaluating safe and effective outcome-based physical activity and movement program delivery methods in order to encourage healthy lifestyles and focus on improved quality of life and prevention of illness.

Ellen M. Evans, PhD, is a professor in the department of kinesiology, associate dean for research and graduate education, and director of the Center for Physical Activity and Health in the College of Education at the University of Georgia (UGA). She was a postdoctoral research fellow in geriatrics and gerontology and applied physiology at Washington University School of Medicine and was on faculty of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign prior to joining the faculty at UGA.

Evans has been named a fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the National Academy of Kinesiology (NAK).

At UGA, Evans embraces the land-grant institution’s mission by integrating her teaching, research, and public service work. The goal of her research is to create and disseminate knowledge regarding the importance of exercise and physical activity, and nutrition for optimal body composition, with a special interest in women’s health. Her primary populations of interest are older adults and college students. Evans teaches courses ranging from a freshman seminar to core and elective undergraduate courses to graduate-level courses in the areas of clinical exercise physiology, aging, and obesity.

Catherine M. Laughlin, HSD, MPH, is a clinical professor and assistant department chair of the department of applied health science in the School of Public Health at Indiana University (IU) at Bloomington. Her research interests include sexual health education, cancer prevention and education, program planning, and implementation and evaluation in community-based organizations. She is regularly interviewed by media outlets as a human sexuality and sexual health education expert.

Laughlin has won numerous teaching and service awards throughout her more than 25 years of service at IU. In 2017, she received the Distinguished Service Award from IU. In 2015, she was the recipient of the Founding Dean’s Medallion and the Outstanding Service Award from IU’s School of Public Health. In 2014, she earned the Tony and Mary Hulman Health Achievement Award for Innovative Public Health Programming from the Indiana Public Health Association.
All ancillaries are free to adopting instructors and available online.

Instructor guide. Includes chapter summaries, chapter objectives, class outlines, chapter review questions and sample answers, suggested class assignments, and a list of laboratory and learning activities that are included within the web study guide.

Test package. Contains 400 questions, sorted by chapter, in true-false, fill-in-the-blank, short-answer, and multiple-choice formats.

Chapter quizzes. Includes 150 questions, sorted by chapter, that instructors can use to gauge student comprehension. Compatible with learning management systems, these quizzes offer easy grading and record keeping for instructors.

Presentation package plus image bank. Features more than 700 PowerPoint slides that highlight the most important concepts, illustrations, and tables from the book and that can be used for class discussion and presentation. Slides can be added, modified, or rearranged as needed.

The image bank includes most of the photos, illustrations, and tables from the text, sorted by chapter. These can be used in developing a customized presentation based on specific course requirements.

Web study guide with online video. Offers students the opportunity to engage with smaller chunks of content through various interactive features, including lab activities and practical assignments. It also includes video clips demonstrating proper technique of 48 exercises.

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