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Fit in 5

5, 10 & 30 Minute Workouts for a Leaner, Stronger Body

Author: Greg Whyte

$9.98 CAD $22.95 CAD

$9.98 CAD

ISBN: 9780736082716


Page Count: 192

Build fitness into your lifestyle with 5-, 10-, and 30-minute workouts that can be done anywhere, anytime! Fit in 5 explains how to maximize your time, meet your goals, and reap the rewards of exercise.

Select from a variety of exercises and workout options to create a customized exercise program targeting strength, flexibility, and endurance as you work toward your goal of 150 minutes of exercise per week. Choose from a wide range of exercises:

- Core strength and stability
- Glutes, abs, and thighs
- Strength and power
- Resistance bands
- Flexibility

Then choose your intensity level—easy, medium, or hard. For aerobic fitness, you'll find several 30-minute exercise options to help you avoid boredom, diversify your routine, and stay dedicated to your goal.

Sample weekly training programs are also included, along with specialty programs focusing on specific areas, such as lower-back pain, upper-body strength and bone health.

With Fit in 5 as your guide, enjoy a fitter and more active you!


Chapter 1: Why Should I Bother Exercising?
Chapter 2: Surely I Can Diet and Save Myself the Energy?
Chapter 3: How Do I Structure the Workouts?
Chapter 4: How Can I Motivate Myself to Exercise?
Chapter 5: 5-Minute Workouts
o Core Strength and Stability
o Glutes, Abs and Thighs
o Strength and Power
o Resistance Bands
o Flexibility
Chapter 6: 10-minute workouts
Chapter 7: 30-minute workouts
Chapter 8: Weekly Training Programs

Greg Whyte is the UK's leading sport scientist and a former Olympic pentathlete. A past director of research for the Olympic Medical Institute and director of science and research for the English Institute of Sport, he is now professor of sport and exercise science at Liverpool John Moores University. Whyte has also worked as a consultant physiologist for Premiership football teams, Formula One racers, and the Great Britain Olympic teams. He holds a PhD in cardiovascular physiology, an MSc in human performance, and a BSc in sport science. He is an Ironman athlete and has competed in other ultraendurance events, such as the Race Across America and swimming the English Channel.

"Fit in 5 puts getting in shape into proper perspective. By providing workout options for exercisers of all levels and those with limited time, Whyte has removed all excuses for not getting in shape. It's a must-read!"

Rich Fitter
Fitness Editor, Exercise for Men Only

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Ted Wong
Motivational book

Each 5-minute exercise comes with colour photo and description options for easy, medium and hard efforts. Good exercise variety using bodyweight and resistance bands to target core, glutes and abs, strength, flexibility. Concise and easy to follow the exercises.