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Fencing: Steps to Success

Steps to Success

Author: Elaine Cheris

$34.95 CAD

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$34.95 CAD

ISBN: 9780873229722


Page Count: 160

Fencing: Steps to Success covers all of the essential skills of the epee and foil forms of fencing. This book will serve as the perfect training guide for less experienced fencers and students of fencing, as well as a valuable reference for instructors of this highly technical sport.

One of the most recognized fencing figures in the United States, author Elaine Cheris shares her expertise as both a fencer and instructor. In each progressive learning step, she carefully describes each major skill, presents sequential illustrations (approximately 150 in all) to show how to perform the skill, and then provides a series of drills to refine the skills through practice. The book's step-by-step teaching method is both challenging and fun for the student, promoting skills development and motivation to learn more. It's the perfect technique-development guide and a valuable reference.

Having made the U.S. Olympic team in both epee and foil, Cheris covers both forms in this book, giving you a well-rounded introduction to the sport. A highly accomplished instructor, Cheris owns and operates the Cheyenne Fencing Society and has been the chairperson for two World Championships. She has instructed many notable students, including pop music stars Neil Diamond and Jimmy Buffett.

See all the titles available in the Steps to Success Series.

Step One: On Guard Stance and Mobility: Moving on the Strip
Step Two: Hitting The Target: Determining Appropriate Distance
Step Three: Thrust, Lunge, and Recovery: Delivering The Hit to Your Opponent
Step Four: Engagement and Change of Engagement: Making Contact With Your Opponent
Step Five: Parry-Riposte High Line: Turning the Tide
Step Six: Feints, Disengages, and Beats: Taking Charge
Step Seven: Parry-Riposte Low Line: Defending Against the Stealth Attacks
Step Eight: Low Line Offensive Moves: Variety Adds Spice to Your Game
Step Nine: Long-Distance Footwork: Conquering Vast Space

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Having competed in national and international fencing competitions for two decades, Elaine Cheris stands as one of the all-time great U.S. fencers. Also well known as an instructor and administrator, she owns and operates the Cheyenne Fencing and Modern Pentathlon Center, where she has instructed many notable students, including pop music star Jimmy Buffett. She also has been the chairperson for two World Championships (1989 senior, 1993 Under-20 and Under-17) and the Coach of the Junior World Team.

Cheris was the #1 ranked fencer in the United States in 2000 and the highest-ranking American internationally 1998-1999. She is a three-time Olympian (1980, 1988, 1996), a member of various teams including the 1988 women's foil team, the 1996 Atlanta women's epee team, the 1987 Pan American Games gold medal women's foil team, and the gold medal women's epee team in 1991.

Cheris was also a member of the U.S. World Championships team in epee six times (1990-1994, 1998) and in foil three times (1982, 1985, 1987). She graduated from Troy State University in 1970 with a degree in Physical Education/Psychology. She resides in Denver, Colorado.

“I am very impressed. This is a very good do-it-yourself book for beginners who lack the assistance of a coach. The basics are sound; the training program should improve even an experienced fencer. I am going to use a few of the training tips myself!”

Abrahamson Gï¿œran
Member of the technical commission, International Fencing Federation
Vice President, Swedish Fencing Federation
Silver and bronze world championship veteran (1997, 1998)

“A valuable manual both for the individual learning fencing and to stimulate and help coaches. Elaine Cheris draws on her experience as both a coach and Olympic competitor. The combination results in a book that will be of great service to those seriously wanting to fence.”

Peter Jacobs
Secretary/ Treasurer and member of Executive Committee of the International Fencing Federation

“A refreshing introduction to the sport and pastime of fencing. The book compares fencing with various sports and activities to help understand the exercises. It will help young instructors willing to embark on a unique form of coaching, teaching, and training. It stresses mobility of hands and feet and points to the importance of balance at all times. Generally, I would say we look at a democratization of fencing.”

Carl Schwende
Vice President of Honor and member of Executive Committee of the International Fencing Federation