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Essentials of Youth Fitness Online CE Exam With Ebook

$198.95 CAD

Online Exam With Ebook
$198.95 CAD
Online Exam With Print Book
$226.95 CAD

Online Exam Without Book
$184.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781718223233


Approved Credits:

ACE 1.50ACSM 15.00AEA 14.00AFPA 15.00BCRPA 15.00canfitpro 4.00CAO 3.00CAS 3.00CFES 8.00CKA 15.00Contact Hours 15.00COPSKT 1.50FNB 15.00ISSA 15.00NASN 15.00NCHEC 15.00NCSF 6.50NETA 15.00NFPT 2.00NSCA 1.30NSPA 15.00OFC 15.00PROPTA 5.00SKESA 15.00SPRA 12.00
This package includes the following:
  • Essentials of Youth Fitness ebook
  • Online continuing education exam
Essentials of Youth Fitness is an evidence-informed, practical guide for fitness and strength and conditioning professionals working with younger clientele. Backed by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and coauthored by three leading authorities in pediatric exercise science, this cutting-edge book is built around the modern understanding that youth are not simply smaller versions of adults but are instead a special population with their own specific needs. You’ll understand the scientific theories behind youth training as well as how to apply them to help design effective programs that maximize creativity, engagement, and fun.

The text is broken into three parts to systematically bridge the gap between science and practice. Part I lays the groundwork for understanding fundamental concepts of pediatric exercise science, including physiology, growth and maturation, long-term athletic development, and pedagogical strategies.

Part II is devoted to the assessment of youth development of fitness components, including motor skill, strength and power, speed and agility, and aerobic and anerobic fitness. This practical section demonstrates the impact of factors specific to youth on fitness, and it will teach you how to design integrative training programs to meet the needs of youth of varying abilities and different stages of development. Sample training sessions with accompanying exercise photos within each chapter offer clear visual guidelines for implementing exercises correctly.

Part III delves into modern-day topics specific to the youth population, including participation in organized sports and injury concerns; overweight and obese youth; those diagnosed with clinical conditions such as diabetes, asthma, and physical and mental disabilities; and the role of nutrition in healthy lifestyle habits.

Learning aids throughout the book enhance comprehension and enable you to quickly locate important information. Chapter objectives and key terms reinforce learning, while Teaching Tip boxes contextualize important themes, and Do You Know? boxes illustrate practical application of the content.

After reading the ebook, certified professionals can take the companion CE exam to earn continuing education credits.

Learning Objectives
  • Explain the long-term effects of physical inactivity on disease risk.
  • Introduce physical activity recommendations from infancy through adolescence.
  • Describe how biological and physiological systems develop during childhood and adolescence.
  • Explain the differences between skeletal, sexual, and somatic maturation.
  • Critically analyze the benefits and limitations of existing talent and athletic developmental models for youth.
  • Evaluate test batteries for assessing physical fitness.
  • Provide an overview of dynamic warm-up procedures for children and adolescents.
  • Define the classifications of motor skills.
  • Design strength and power training programs for children and adolescents.
  • Define classifications of speed and agility.
  • Discuss the determinants of aerobic and anaerobic fitness.
  • Distinguish the hierarchical order of multilevel programming.
  • Describe the risks associated with excessive training in young athletes.
  • Explain the benefits of aerobic, resistance, and combined exercise training for youth who are overweight or obese.
  • Describe appropriate exercise training strategies for youth with clinical conditions.
  • Discuss the roles of nutrition and energy balance in supporting growth, maturation, and a healthy lifestyle.


Certified fitness professionals, personal trainers, and strength and conditioning coaches working with young athletes and clients.

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