Eat Well & Keep Moving 3rd Edition PDF With Web Resource
An Interdisciplinary Elementary Curriculum for Nutrition and Physical Activity
$68.95 CAD
Access Duration: 10 Years

In North America obesity continues to be a problem, one that extends throughout life as children move into adolescence and adulthood and choose progressively less physical activity and less healthy diets. This public health issue needs to be addressed early in childhood, when kids are adopting the behaviors that they will carry through life. Eat Well & Keep Moving, Third Edition, will help children learn physically active and nutritionally healthy lifestyles that significantly reduce the risk of obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and other diseases.
This award-winning evidence-based program has been implemented in all 50 states and in more than 20 countries. The program began as a joint research project between the Harvard School of Public Health (currently the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health) and Baltimore Public Schools. In extensive field tests among students and teachers using the program, children ate more fruits and vegetables, reduced their intake of saturated and total fat, watched less TV, and improved their knowledge of nutrition and physical activity. The program is also well liked by teachers and students. This new edition provides fourth- and fifth-grade teachers with the following:
• Nutrition and activity guidelines updated according to the latest and best information available
• 48 multidisciplinary lessons that supply students with the knowledge and skills they need when choosing healthy eating and activity behaviors
• Lessons that address a range of learning outcomes and can be integrated across multiple subject areas, such as math, language arts, social studies, and visual arts
• Two new core messages on water consumption and sleep and screen time along with two new related lessons
• A new Kid’s Healthy Eating Plate, created by nutrition experts at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, that offers children simple guidance in making healthy choices and enhances the USDA’s MyPlate
Eat Well & Keep Moving also offers a web resource that contains numerous reproducibles, many of which were included in the book or the CD-ROM in previous editions. A separate website,, provides detailed information for food service managers interested in making healthful changes to their school menus; this information includes recipes, preparation tips, promotional materials, classroom tie-ins, and staff training. The web resource also details various approaches to getting parents and family members involved in Eat Well & Keep Moving.
A Holistic Approach
Eat Well & Keep Moving is popular because it teaches nutrition and physical activity while kids are moving. The program addresses both components of health simultaneously, reinforcing the link between the two. And it encompasses all aspects of a child’s learning environment: classroom, gymnasium, cafeteria, hallways, out-of-school programs, home, and community centers. Further, the material is easily incorporated in various classroom subjects or in health education curricula.
Eight Core Principles
Central to its message are the eight core Principles of Healthy Living. Those principles—at least one of which is emphasized in each lesson—have been updated to reflect key targets as defined by the CDC-funded Childhood Obesity Research Demonstration partnership. These are the principles:
• Make the switch from sugary drinks to water.
• Choose colorful fruits and vegetables instead of junk food.
• Choose whole-grain foods and limit foods with added sugar.
• Choose foods with healthy fat, limit foods high in saturated fat, and avoid foods with trans fat.
• Eat a nutritious breakfast every morning.
• Be physically active every day for at least an hour per day.
• Limit TV and other recreational screen time to two hours or less per day.
• Get enough sleep to give the brain and body the rest it needs.
Flexible, Inexpensive, Easy to Adopt
The entire curriculum of Eat Well & Keep Moving reflects the latest research and incorporates recommendations from the latest Dietary Guidelines for Americans. It fits within school curricula, uses existing school resources, is inexpensive to implement, and is easy to adopt. The content is customizable to school and student population profiles and can help schools meet new criteria for federally mandated wellness policies.
Most important, armed with the knowledge they can gain from this program, elementary students can move toward and maintain healthy behaviors throughout their lives.
Section 1 Nutrition and Physical Activity Classroom Lessons and Promotions
Part I Classroom Lessons for Fourth Graders
Lesson 1 Healthy Living
Lesson 2 Carb Smart
Lesson 3 Safe Workout: An Introduction
Lesson 4 Balancing Act
Lesson 5 Fast-Food Frenzy
Lesson 6 Snack Attack
Lesson 7 Sugar Water: Think About Your Drink
Lesson 8 Water Water Everywhere . . . And It’s the Thing to Drink
Lesson 9 The Safe Workout: Snacking’s Just Fine, If You Choose the Right Kind
Lesson 10 Prime-Time Smartness
Lesson 11 Chain Five
Lesson 12 Alphabet Fruit (and Vegetables)
Lesson 13 Brilliant Breakfast
Lesson 14 Fitness Walking
Part II Classroom Lessons for Fifth Graders
Lesson 15 Healthy Living, Healthy Eating
Lesson 16 Keeping the Balance
Lesson 17 Safe Workout: A Review
Lesson 18 Hunting for Healthy Fat
Lesson 19 Beverage Buzz: Sack the Sugar
Lesson 20 Go for H2O
Lesson 21 Snack Decisions
Lesson 22 Snacking and Inactivity
Lesson 23 Freeze My TV
Lesson 24 Menu Monitoring
Lesson 25 Veggiemania
Lesson 26 Breakfast Bonanza
Lesson 27 Foods From Around the World
Lesson 28 Fitness Walking
Part III Promotions for the Classroom
Lesson 29 Freeze My TV
Lesson 30 Get 3 at School and 5+ a Day
Lesson 31 Class Walking Clubs
Lesson 32 Tour de Health
Section 2 Nutrition and Physical Activity Physical Education Lessons and Microunits
Part IV Physical Education Lessons
Lesson 33 Three Kinds of Fitness Fun: Endurance, Strength, and Flexibility
Lesson 34 Five Foods Countdown
Lesson 35 Musical Fare
Lesson 36 Bowling for Snacks
Lesson 37 Fruits and Vegetables
Part V FitCheck Guide
Lesson 38 Teachers’ Guide to the FitCheck
Lesson 39 Students’ Guide to the FitCheck
Part VI FitCheck Physical Education Microunits
Lesson 40 Charting Your FitScore and SitScore
Lesson 41 What Could You Do Instead of Watching TV?
Lesson 42 Making Time to Stay Fit
Lesson 43 Setting Goals for Personal Fitness
Part VII Additional Physical Education Microunits
Lesson 44 Thinking About Activity, Exercise, and Fitness
Lesson 45 Be Active Now for a Healthy Heart Later
Lesson 46 Be Active Now for Healthy Bones Later
Lesson 47 Let’s Get Started on Being Fit
Lesson 48 More on the Three Areas of Physical Fitness
The teacher web resource features convenient downloadable reproducibles.
The book also has an accompanying website at that provides schools and parents with general information and links to other resources.