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Dynamic Physical Education for Elementary School Children 19th Edition-Loose-Leaf

$93.07 CAD $135.95 CAD

$93.07 CAD

ISBN: 9781492592280


Page Count: 760

Dynamic Physical Education for Elementary School Children (DPE) is the longest-running elementary methods textbook on the market, and this latest edition is just as pertinent, essential, and cutting-edge as ever. DPE does more than provide the foundational knowledge needed to teach quality physical education—it applies this knowledge with an array of physical activities that equip preservice physical educators to teach with confidence from their first day.

Now, for the first time, the text is made even more practical with the free interactive website Dynamic PE ASAP, which replaces the previous print resource Dynamic Physical Education Curriculum Guide: Lesson Plans for Implementation. With the Dynamic PE ASAP site, teachers have access to ready-to-use activities and complete lesson plans, as well as the ability to build their own lesson plans from the provided activities. This resource puts a complete curriculum for quality physical education at teachers’ fingertips.

DPE also offers practical teaching tips, case studies of real-life situations to spark discussion, and instructor resources (an instructor guide, presentation package, and test package) that will make preparing for and teaching a course a breeze.

The 19th edition has been updated to reflect the latest knowledge and best practice in physical education, including the following:
  • A new chapter on physical activity and youth
  • Recent research on physical activity and the brain
  • Updated and expanded content on physical activity guidelines and assessment
  • New activities to integrate health concepts into the physical education curriculum
  • A chapter on lesson planning that is aligned with and linked to the Dynamic PE ASAP website
  • New technology features throughout the book
The 19th edition emphasizes creating a social and emotional learning environment in which all students can learn and thrive. The ultimate goal of DPE is to help students learn skills, be personally and socially responsible, and embrace the joy of physical activity for a lifetime.

The first 12 chapters of Dynamic Physical Education for Elementary School Children lay the foundation for becoming an effective instructor of quality physical education. These chapters highlight the importance of physical activity and delve into identifying developmental needs, designing curriculum, writing lessons and assessments, and navigating school procedures.

Chapters 13 through 30 explore how to teach the objectives of physical education, including these:
  • Foundational skills, such as locomotor and manipulative skills
  • Specialized skills, such as game skills and gymnastics
  • Lifetime activities and sport skills, such as basketball and hockey
These chapters include an array of field-tested activities, all listed in progression from easiest to most difficult, enabling teachers to incorporate proper skill sequencing.

With its emphasis on skill development and the promotion of lifelong healthy activity, Dynamic Physical Education for Elementary School Children is highly applicable for both physical educators and classroom teachers. It is an ideal text to support an elementary methods PE course, providing the detail that PETE students need. The content is also very accessible to students learning to become elementary education teachers.

With this latest edition, Dynamic Physical Education for Elementary School Children remains the go-to book for both preservice and in-service teachers—just as it started out as 19 editions ago.


Text for PETE students in elementary physical education methods courses. Text for elementary education students. Reference for K-12 PE curriculum directors and elementary PE teachers.
Part I. Physical Education, Physical Activity, and Youth

Chapter 1. Elementary School Physical Education
What Is Physical Education?
Essential Components of a Quality Physical Education Program
Current Status of Physical Education in the United States
Need for Physical Education Programs
Physical Educators Promoting Physical Activity
Content of Physical Education
SHAPE America National Standards for Physical Literacy
Evolution of Elementary School Physical Education
Learning Aids

Chapter 2. Growth and Development
Physical Growth and Development
Helping Children Find Success in Physical Activity
Safety Guidelines for Physical Activity
Learning Aids

Chapter 3. Youth Physical Activity and Schools
Benefits of Physical Activity
Current Physical Activity Recommendations
Current Youth Physical Activity
Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity (MVPA)
Physical Education and Physical Activity Promotion
Cornerstones of Our Profession
School-Based Physical Activity Promotion
CSPAP Leader
Getting Started
Learning Aids

Part II. Instruction and Administration

Chapter 4. Curriculum Development
Designing a Quality Curriculum
Step 1: Develop a Guiding Philosophy
Step 2: Define a Conceptual Framework for the Curriculum
Step 3: Consider Environmental Factors
Step 4: Determine Content Standards
Step 5: Select Child-Centered Activities
Step 6: Organize Selected Activities Into Instructional Units
Step 7: Evaluate and Modify the Curriculum
Learning Aids

Chapter 5. Lesson Planning
Steps to Developing a Lesson Plan
Other Considerations When Planning Lessons
Choose an Instructional Formation
Reflective Teaching
Learning Aids

Chapter 6. Improving Instructional Effectiveness
Characteristics of a Quality Lesson
Incorporate Essential Elements of Instruction
Provide Instructional Feedback
Consider the Personal Needs of Students
Employ Effective Communication Skills
Evaluate Your Instructional Effectiveness
Learning Aids

Chapter 7. Management and Discipline
Effective Management and Discipline: A Coordinated Approach
Use Proper Teaching Behaviors
Define Class Procedures, Rules, and Consequences
Incorporate Efficient Management Skills
Teach Acceptable Student Behavior
Use Behavior Management to Increase Acceptable Behavior
Decrease Unacceptable Behavior With Discipline
Use Criticism Sparingly
Expulsion: Legal Considerations
Learning Aids

Chapter 8. Assessment
Assessment of Students
Monitoring Physical Activity
Program Accountability
Evaluate Your Program
Learning Aids

Chapter 9. Children With Disabilities
Least Restrictive Environment
Screening and Assessment
Understanding an Individualized Education Program (IEP)
Successful Inclusion
Recruiting Paraeducators and Volunteers
Learning Aids

Chapter 10. Integrating Health Concepts
What Is Integration?
Why Integrate Health Concepts?
Types of Integration
How to Integrate Health Content
Health Education
Health Activities
Learning Aids

Chapter 11. Legal Liability, Supervision, and Safety
Negligence and Liability
Types of Negligence
Common Defenses Against Negligence
Areas of Responsibility
Equipment and Facilities
Personal Protection: Minimizing the Effects of a Lawsuit
After-School Sports Programs
Learning Aids

Chapter 12. Facilities, Equipment, and Supplies
Outdoor Facilities
Safety on the Playground
Indoor Facilities
Equipment and Supplies
Purchasing Policies
Indoor Equipment
Equipment and Supplies for Physical Education
Storage Plans
Care, Repair, and Marking
Constructing Equipment and Supplies
Learning Aids

Part III. Foundational Skills

Chapter 13. Introductory Activities
Introductory Activities Using Locomotor Movements
Rhythmic Introductory Activities
Introductory Activities With Equipment
Partner and Small-Group Introductory Activities
Creative Introductory Activities
Tambourine-Directed Activities
Games and Miscellaneous Activities

Chapter 14. Physical Fitness
Definitions of Physical Fitness
Children and Fitness Testing
Fitness-Testing Issues
Create Positive Attitudes Toward Fitness
Develop an Understanding of Physical Fitness Principles
Avoid Harmful Practices and Exercises
Implement a Yearlong Fitness Plan
Implementing Fitness Routines
Fitness Activities for Developmental Level I
Fitness Activities for Developmental Levels II and III
For More Information

Chapter 15. Movement Concepts and Themes
Classification of Human Movement Concepts
Teaching Movement Skills and Concepts
Movement Skills and Concepts Lesson Plans
Teaching Movement Themes
For More Information

Chapter 16. Locomotor and Nonlocomotor Skills
Fundamental Skills
Locomotor Skills
Nonlocomotor Skills
For More Information

Chapter 17. Manipulative Skills
Manipulative Skills
Manipulative Skill Activities
Activities With Balloons and Beach Balls
Activities With Beanbags
Activities With Balls
Activities With Scoops and Balls
Bowling Activities
Activities With Wands
Activities With Hoops
Activities With Jump Ropes
Pre–Rope-Jumping Skills
Long-Rope Jumping
Double Dutch (Two-Rope) Jumping
Individual Rope Jumping
Footbag Activities
Rhythmic Gymnastics
For More Information

Part IV. Specialized Skills

Chapter 18. Body Management Skills
Safe and Effective Use of Apparatus
Activities With Climbing Ropes
Activities on Balance Beams
Activities on Benches
Activities With Jumping Boxes
Activities With Individual Mats
Activities With Magic Ropes
Activities With Partner Tug-of-War Ropes
For More Information

Chapter 19. Rhythmic Movement Skills
Implementing the Rhythmic Movement Program
Creative Rhythms
Folk Dances
Progression of Folk Dances
Developmental Level I Dances
Developmental Level II Dances
Developmental Level III Dances
Introductory Square Dance
Culminating Events for the Rhythms Unit
For More Information

Chapter 20. Gymnastics-Related Skills
Progression and Developmental Level Placement
Instructional Methodology for Gymnastics
Safety Considerations
Instructional Procedures
Developmental Level I Activities
Developmental Level II Activities
Developmental Level III Activities
For More Information

Chapter 21. Cooperative Skills
Role of Cooperative Activities
Teaching Cooperative Activities
Group Challenges
Activities With Parachutes
For More Information

Chapter 22. Game Skills
Evaluating Games
Creating or Modifying Games
Cooperation and Competition
Teaching Games Effectively
Selection of Games
Sport Lead-Up Games
Developmental Level I
Developmental Level II
Developmental Level III
Miscellaneous Playground Games
For More Information

Part V. Lifetime Activities and Sports Skills

Chapter 23. Lifetime Activities
For More Information

Chapter 24. Basketball
Instructional Emphasis and Sequence
Basketball Skills
Instructional Procedures
Basic Basketball Rules
Basketball Drills
Basketball Activities
Basketball Skill Tests
For More Information

Chapter 25. Football
Instructional Emphasis and Sequence
Football Skills
Instructional Procedures
Football Drills
Football Activities
Football Skill Tests
Flag Football Formations
For More Information

Chapter 26. Hockey
Hockey Skills
Instructional Procedures
Hockey Drills
Hockey Activities
Hockey Skill Tests
For More Information

Chapter 27. Soccer
Modifications of Soccer for Children
Instructional Emphasis and Sequence
Soccer Skills
Soccer Drills
Basic Soccer Rules for Lead-Up Games
Soccer Activities
Soccer Skill Tests
For More Information

Chapter 28. Softball
Instructional Emphasis and Sequence
Softball Skills
Organizing for Instruction
Basic Softball Rules
Softball Drills
Softball Activities
Softball Skill Tests
For More Information

Chapter 29. Track, Field, and Cross Country Running
Instructional Emphasis and Sequence
Track and Field Skills
Instructional Procedures
Organizing for Instruction
Track and Field Drills and Activities
Suggested Track Facility
Conducting Track and Field Days
Cross Country Running
Cross Country Meets
For More Information

Chapter 30. Volleyball
Instructional Emphasis and Sequence
Volleyball Skills
Instructional Procedures
Organizing for Instruction
Basic Volleyball Rules
Volleyball Activities
Volleyball Skill Tests
For More Information
Robert P. Pangrazi, PhD, taught for 31 years at Arizona State University in the department of exercise science and physical education and is now a professor emeritus. An honor fellow of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD), Dr. Pangrazi was also presented with AAHPERD’s (now SHAPE America’s) Margie Hanson Distinguished Service Award. Dr. Pangrazi is also a fellow in the American Kinesiology Association (formerly the Academy of Kinesiology and Physical Education). He is a best-selling author of numerous books and texts over the years, including multiple editions of Dynamic Physical Education for Elementary School Children and Dynamic Physical Education for Secondary School Children. He and Chuck Corbin coedited Toward a Better Understanding of Physical Fitness and Activity: Selected Topics for the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. In addition to numerous other books and texts, he has written many journal articles and scholarly papers for publication.

Aaron Beighle, PhD, is a professor at the University of Kentucky in the department of kinesiology and health promotion, teaching physical education methods courses. He has authored numerous scholarly articles and contributed chapters to a number of widely used texts, including previous editions of Dynamic Physical Education for Elementary School Children and Pedometer Power, Second Edition. Dr. Beighle’s areas of expertise include physical activity promotion, specifically physical education and school-based physical activity programs.
All ancillaries are free to adopting instructors through HKPropel

Instructor guide. Includes tips for presenting key concepts, takeaways, learning objectives, review questions and answers, lab activities, class projects, essay topics, suggested readings, and recommended websites for each chapter.

Test package. Contains 600 questions in true-false, short-answer, and multiple-choice formats.

Presentation package. Features the critical points to emphasize in each chapter, key tables and figures, takeaways, and reflection and review questions.

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