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Dynamic Alignment Through Imagery 3rd Edition Online CE Exam With Print Book

$124.95 CAD

Online Exam With Print Book
$124.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781718207998


Approved Credits:

This package includes the following:
  • Dynamic Alignment Through Imagery, Third Edition, book
  • Online continuing education exam
In Dynamic Alignment Through Imagery, Third Edition, Eric Franklin—an internationally renowned teacher, dancer, and choreographer who has been sharing his imagery techniques for more than 35 years—teaches the use of imagery to increase self-awareness, improve body image, and apply anatomical and biomechanical principles for more efficient movement.

Franklin expertly guides readers through foundational concepts of posture, dynamic alignment, and imagery; explores different types of imagery and guidelines for using them; and delves into biomechanical and anatomical principles, including the body’s center and gravity, the laws of motion and force systems, and joint and muscle function. More than 600 anatomical imagery exercises, covering every area of the body from head to toe, aid in improving posture and body alignment, releasing excess tension, and preventing injury. Over 500 full-color illustrations help with visualizing exercises and understanding contexts for use. Four supplemental audio files contain guided imagery exercises led by Franklin and set to music. The book closes with two critical chapters on defining dynamic alignment and on integrating dynamic alignment exercises into workouts and programs.

Dynamic Alignment Through Imagery, Third Edition, allows professionals to help their athletes, dancers, and yoga and Pilates students better understand the biomechanical and anatomical principles that foster more efficient movement. After reading the book, certified professional can take the companion CE exam to earn continuing education credits.

Learning Objectives
  • Explore imagery through the context of biomechanics.
  • Summarize the mechanisms by which imagery enhances movement.
  • Differentiate postural model theories in terms of their principles.
  • Apply principles of neuroplasticity.
  • Create movement patterns in support of dynamic alignment.
  • Enable improved energy flow through development of imaging techniques.
  • Develop a template for effective cueing of imagery and kinesthetic awareness.
  • Explain biomechanics and anatomy.
  • Apply laws of physics as they relate to dynamic alignment.
  • Choreograph exercises cued through imagery.
  • Identify the mechanisms by which the lower body enables total body movement.
  • Explain integration of the upper body through movement.
  • Explore the concepts of stability as they relate to center of gravity.
  • Demonstrate competence in the application of holistic alignment principles.
  • Integrate exercise techniques aimed at lessening tension.
  • Practice and revise applied imagery tools.


A continuing education course for certified fitness professionals working with dancers, athletes, and yoga and Pilates practitioners.
Introduction. How I Came to Use Imagery
Reinforcing What You Want
Purpose and Will
Using Imagery for Alignment
Using the Audio Files

Part I. Posture and Dynamic Alignment
Chapter 1. Roots of Imagery for Alignment
A Brief Look at Imagery Throughout History
Alignment in History and Art
Imagery and Ideas of Ideal Posture
Somatic Disciplines

Chapter 2. Postural Models and Dynamic Alignment
Postural Habits
Dynamically Aligning

Chapter 3. Foundations of Mental Imagery
Brain, Consciousness, and Imagery
Nervous System
The World in the Brain: Neuroplasticity and Imagery
Developmental Patterns
Developing Mind: The Role of Imagery

Chapter 4. The Art of Change Through Imagery
Four Steps in the Art of Change
A Closer Look at the Four Steps for Change

Chapter 5. Imagery’s Five Ws: What, Who, When, Where, and Why

Chapter 6. General Guidelines for How to Use Imagery
Factors That Influence Successful Imagery
Modulating and Adapting Images and Metaphors
Sequencing the Imagery
Problems and Opportunities When Cuing Imagery
Resting Positions for Imagery Practice

Part II. Biomechanical and Anatomical Principles and Exercises
Chapter 7. Befriending Gravity and Finding Your Center
Anatomical Terminology for Location and Direction

Chapter 8. Laws of Motion and Force Systems
Newton’s Laws of Motion
Force Systems
Lever Systems
Energy Conservation
Ability of Materials to Resist Force
Dynamic Stability

Chapter 9. Joint, Bone, Muscle, and Fascia
Joint Types
Connective Tissue and Fascia

Part III. Exercises for Anatomical Imagery
Chapter 10. Pelvis, Hip Joint, and Company
Pelvic Arches
Balancing the Pelvis
Motion of the Pelvic Halves
Counterrotation and Three-Dimensional Alignment
Pelvic Powerhouse
Hip Joint and Femur
Iliopsoas and Piriformis
The Fascia of the Thigh and Leg

Chapter 11. Knee, Lower Leg, and Foot
Get to Know Your Knee
Fascia of the Lower Limb
Tibia, Fibula, and Ankle
Interaction of Fasciae, Muscles, and Ligaments of the Leg and Foot

Chapter 12. Spine and Body Wall
Intervertebral Discs
The Spine’s Curved Design
Sacrum and Pelvis
Spinal Ligaments
Musculature of the Abdomen and Back
Abdominal Wall
Abdominal Muscles and the Concept of Core Stability

Chapter 13. Shoulders, Arms, and Hands
Suspension of the Shoulder Girdle
Glenohumeral Joint
Humeroscapular Rhythm
Wrist and Hand

Chapter 14. Head and Neck
Atlas and Axis
Fasciae of the Neck
Fasciae of the Head and Face
Hyoid and Tongue
Nose and Mouth

Chapter 15. Rib Cage, Breath, and Organs
Rib Cage
Support and Breathing for Abdominal Organs
Skin as an Organ

Part IV. Returning to Holistic Alignment
Chapter 16. Definitions of Dynamic Alignment
Plumb Line
Median Alignment
Defining Ideal Alignment
Dynamic Versus Static Alignment
Dynamic and Static Stability
Pulling Up and Ideal Alignment

Chapter 17. Integrating Dynamic Alignment Exercises
Alignment in Supine Positions
Alignment in Sitting Positions
Standing and Walking Alignment
Releasing Excess Tension
Continuing Imagery Exercises
Eric Franklin is director and founder of the Institute for Franklin Method in Wetzikon, Switzerland. He has more than 35 years of experience as a dancer and choreographer, and he has shared imagery techniques in his teaching since 1986.

After earning his bachelor of science degree at the University of Zurich and his bachelor of fine arts degree at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, Eric Franklin worked for many years as a dancer and choreographer. He developed his groundbreaking Franklin Method based on this training and his teaching experiences, and he has gone on to teach it at numerous universities and schools around the world, including the Juilliard School in New York, Rutgers University, the University of Vienna, the Royal Ballet School and the Laban Dance Center in London, the Zurich Neurological Institute, New York University, the Royal Danish Ballet, the Ballet School of the Zurich Opera, and the American Dance Festival.

Franklin has presented at numerous scientific conferences, including the Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back and Pelvic Pain; the International Fascia Research Congress; the British Fascia Symposium; and the conferences of the Pilates Method Alliance, International Association for Dance Medicine & Science, and the National Dance Education Organization. He is the author of numerous books, such as Conditioning for Dance; Dance Imagery for Technique and Performance; Inner Focus Outer Strength; Pelvic Power; Relax Your Neck, Liberate Your Shoulders; Breathing for Peak Performance; and Fascia Release and Balance.

Created in 1994, the Franklin Method combines dynamic science-based imagery, touch, anatomical embodiment, and educational skills to create lasting positive change in the body and mind as well as improvements in posture, movement, and focus. The Franklin Method uses the Dynamic Neurocognitive Imagery (DNI)™ method for movement and postural control retraining. Eric Franklin’s books and workshops are available in many languages, as are his teacher certifications.

For more on how you can learn the Franklin Method, visit

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