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Doing Exercise Psychology

$110.95 CAD

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$110.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781450431842


Page Count: 328

According to the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition, “If exercise could be packaged into a pill, it would be the single most widely prescribed and beneficial medicine in the nation.” Yet the incorporation of physical activity into a regular routine proves difficult for many. Bringing together a field of experts, Doing Exercise Psychology uses applied theories alongside authentic client interactions to address the challenging psychological components of physical activity.

Doing Exercise Psychology helps students understand how to build connections with individual clients, strengthen the professional relationship through listening, and understand clients’ needs. The text features diverse topics, bridging health psychology and exercise psychology and demonstrating the increasingly important role of physical activity in overall wellness and health.

The first chapter is devoted to the development of mindfulness as a practitioner, while another addresses the difficulties professionals encounter with their own inactivity, encouraging self-reflection in order to be more helpful and open with clients. A key feature of many chapters in Doing Exercise Psychology is the in-the-trenches dialogue between practitioner and client, accompanied by follow-up commentary on what went right and what went wrong in particular sessions. Through these real-world scenarios, students will witness firsthand the methods that are most effective in communicating with clients. The text also explores complex questions such as these:

• What are the implications and consequences of using exercise as a component of psychological therapies?

• How can practitioners help clients with impaired movement abilities as a result of chronic conditions or illness embrace physical activity as part of their therapy or their lives?

• How can exercise be incorporated in therapies to change nutrition, smoking, and alcohol habits?

• Why are some exercise protocols that are extremely effective for some but not for others?

• How can relationships, interrelatedness, and attunement to others be vehicles for healthy change in whatever kind of therapy is being done?

The book is arranged so that information flows progressively, covering major themes early and then applying them to the field. Part I introduces the relationship-building motif by covering the variety of relationships that one might find in exercise and physical activity settings. Part II addresses specific conditions and behavior change, with suggestions for encouraging activity in those who are also working to quit smoking, reduce alcohol consumption, or modify their nutrition habits. Part III deals directly with chronic and major medical conditions that professionals will contend with on a regular basis, including cancer, heart disease, and multiple sclerosis. Part IV delves into the dark side of exercise, such as overtraining, exercise dependence, and eating disorders.

A growing and exciting area of study, exercise psychology covers all the psychosocial, intra- and interpersonal, and cultural variables that come into play when people get together and exercise. Students and practitioners who work with individuals in exercise settings will find Doing Exercise Psychology a vital resource to refer to repeatedly in their practice.


Textbook for undergraduate and graduate students in exercise psychology; reference for researchers and practitioners in clinical or exercise psychology, applied clinical exercise physiologists, rehabilitation specialists, and health and fitness professionals.

Part I. Beginnings and Basics in Exercise (and Sport) Psychology

Chapter 1. Mindfulness, Therapeutic Relationships, and Neuroscience in Applied Exercise Psychology

Joe Mannion and Mark B. Andersen

Chapter 2. Relationships Between Coaches, Athletes, and Sport and Exercise Scientists

David T. Martin and Kirsten Peterson

Chapter 3. Running Across Borders: Cross-Cultural Exercise Psychology

Stephanie J. Hanrahan

Chapter 4. Should I Consult a Psychologist? An Autobiographical Account of Physical Inactivity in an Exercise and Sport Psychologist

Tony Morris

Chapter 5. Dancing for Your Life: Movement, Health, and Well-being

Stephanie J. Hanrahan

Part II. Changing Habits

Chapter 6. Motivational Interviewing, Exercise, and Nutrition Counseling

Jeff Breckon

Chapter 7. Exercise and Smoking Cessation: Tackling Multiple Health Behavior Changes

Adrian H. Taylor and Tom P. Thompson

Chapter 8. Adjunct Exercise Therapy for Alcohol Use Disorders

Matthew P. Martens and Ashley E. Smith

Part III. Exercise and People With Chronic Conditions

Chapter 9. Using the Exercise Arrow to Hit the Target of Multiple Sclerosis

Robert W. Motl, Yvonne C. Learmonth, and Rachel E. Klaren

Chapter 10. Moving for Your Heart’s Sake: Physical Activity and Exercise for People With Cardiac Disease

Michelle Rogerson and Mark B. Andersen

Chapter 11. Exercise for Cancer Patients and Survivors: Challenges, Benefits, Barriers, and Determinants

Karen M. Mustian, Lisa K. Sprod, Lara A. Treviño, and Charles Kamen

Chapter 12. It Hurts to Move: The Catch-22 of Physical Activity for People With Chronic Pain

Melainie Cameron and Janelle White

Chapter 13. It’s About Moving: Enabling Activity and Conquering Prejudices When Working With Disabled People

Cadeyrn J. Gaskin and Stephanie J. Hanrahan

Chapter 14. Let’s Run With That: Exercise, Depression, and Anxiety

Kate F. Hays

Part IV. The Dark Side of Exercise

Chapter 15. Overtraining in Professional Sport: Exceeding the Limits in a Culture of Physical and Mental Toughness

Stephanie J. Tibbert and Mark B. Andersen

Chapter 16. The Relationship Between Exercise and Eating Disorders:

A Double-Edged Sword

Justine J. Reel

Chapter 17. Exercise Dependence: Too Much of a Good Thing

Albert J. Petitpas, Britton W. Brewer, and Judy L. Van Raalte

Mark B. Andersen, PhD, is an adjunct professor at Halmstad University in Sweden. He lives in Australia and collaborates intercontinentally with his Swedish colleagues in the areas of research, training, and supervision in applied sport and exercise psychology.

Andersen is a registered psychologist in Australia and is licensed to practice psychology in the United States. He is the former editor of the Professional Practice section of the international journal The Sport Psychologist. He has published seven books, two monographs, and more than 170 refereed journal articles and book chapters. He has made more than 100 national and international conference presentations, including 15 invited keynote addresses on four continents. He received his doctorate from the University of Arizona in 1988 and immigrated to Australia in 1994.

Stephanie J. Hanrahan, PhD, is an associate professor holding a joint appointment with the Schools of Human Movement Studies and Psychology at the University of Queensland, where she has worked since 1990. She was a UQ Teaching Excellence Award winner in 1997 and is the co-author or co-editor of nine books, including Biophysical Foundations of Human Movement in 2013. Her work also appears in articles, book chapters, and conference papers. She is a registered psychologist in Australia and a certified consultant with the Association for Applied Sport Psychology. She has run applied workshops in more than 10 countries. She completed her doctorate at the University of Western Australia in the area of attributional style in sport.

“An invaluable resource for psychologists and fitness professionals alike, Doing Exercise Psychology is especially recommended for college library collections.”

-- Midwest Book Review

“This unique book integrates many of the traditional practices and theories of health psychology with issues typical of the sports setting. The content is well supported by current peer-reviewed literature and case study examples.”

-- Doody’s Book Review (5 Star Review)