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Dog Park Design, Development, and Operation PDF

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ISBN: 9781492576211


Page Count: 144

Access Duration: 10 Years

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In Dog Park Design, Development, and Operation you’ll learn how to make your dog park a reality from concept to opening celebration and beyond. Find step-by-step guidance plus information on location considerations, community benefits, maintenance concerns, design options, amenities, suggested rules, and even program opportunities. More than 90 photos from dog parks across the United States illustrate the various equipment, features, and programming that make dog parks an asset in any community.

Author Marilyn R. Glasser, an experienced dog park consultant, shares her insight into some of the challenges and resistance you might encounter in developing a dog park—and their possible solutions. Her often humorous experiences illustrate the importance of following best practices when developing your community dog park.

As a source of proven processes, Dog Park Design, Development, and Operation offers guidance on creating a facility as well as information on management, maintenance, marketing, and evaluation. With photos and insightful stories of the author’s experiences, Dog Park Design, Development, and Operation can help you create a professional-quality community facility filled with smiling faces and wagging tails.