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Developing the Athlete Online CE Exam With Print Book

$180.95 CAD

Online Exam With Print Book
$180.95 CAD
Online Exam With Ebook
$138.95 CAD

Online Exam Without Book
$124.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781718218611


Approved Credits:

ACE 1.20ACSM 12.00AFPA 12.00BCRPA 12.00BOC 9.00canfitpro 4.00CAO 3.00CAS 3.00CKA 12.00Contact Hours 12.00COPSKT 1.20CPTN 7.00CSEP 7.50FNB 12.00ISSA 12.00NASN 12.00NCSF 6.00NETA 12.00NFPT 2.00NSCA 1.00NSFA 12.00NSPA 12.00OFC 12.00SKESA 12.00SPRA 12.00
This package includes the following:
  • Developing the Athlete book
  • Online continuing education exam
Developed by a team of renowned authors—including William Kraemer, one of the most prolifically published sport scientists in history—Developing the Athlete: An Applied Sport Science Roadmap for Optimizing Performance is the first resource of its kind. It explains the integration of sport science through the development of an athlete development team, implementing a process of testing, evaluating, assessing, and monitoring athlete training and performance. You will learn how data generated by the athlete development team are translated into training programs that promote the physical and psychological development an athlete needs to compete and succeed at every level of competition. You will also find step-by-step explanations of how to create a testing “fingerprint” unique to each athlete, as well as case studies and success stories that demonstrate how the concepts in the book have been experienced in real life.

Get a better understanding of how the use of sport science can improve the skills needed for long-term athlete development. Developing the Athlete will help all types of sport performance professionals prioritize and apply the three Cs—credentials, competence, and commitment—so you can tap into known scientific principles and practices to develop a path for success for all your athletes.

After reading the book, certified professionals can take the companion CE exam to earn continuing education credits.

Learning Objectives
  • Explain the value of sport specialization and when it should occur.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the mutable and nonmutable characteristics that should be considered when finding the most appropriate sport for a youth and placing them in the right position within the sport.
  • Explain the tenets and applications of the long-term athletic development (LTAD) model.
  • Discuss the role of the athlete composite within the context of talent identification, anthropometrics, and sport selection.
  • Explain the interactions between the members of the player development team: coaching staff, athletic trainers, physical therapists, physicians, strength and conditioning staff, sport science professionals, sport nutritionists, sport psychologists, sociologists, and academic advisers.
  • Create a valid and reliable health-, skill-, or sport-related fitness testing battery, and explain the procedures to prepare for testing.
  • Understand the underlying physiological and adaptive mechanisms that contribute to long-term player development.
  • Examine the framework for using the three Cs of successful player development—credentials, competence, and commitment—to optimize the athlete composite.
  • List the specific guidelines for developing maximal strength, power, hypertrophy, muscular endurance, plyometric, speed and acceleration, deceleration, change-of-direction ability, agility and mobility, flexibility, and aerobic endurance.
  • Discuss the different periodization models and determine the most appropriate model to maximize an athlete’s performance.


Certified strength and conditioning professionals, sport scientists, and other practitioners who design and implement development programs for athletes.

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