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Complete Guide to Foam Rolling Online CE Exam Without Book

$72.95 CAD

Online Exam Without Book
$72.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781718222328


Approved Credits:

NOTE: The book Complete Guide to Foam Rolling is required for successful completion of this exam but is not included with this purchase. Purchase this Online CE Exam Without Book only if you already own the book or ebook.

Consisting of 130 multiple-choice questions, this continuing education exam is designed to be taken after reading Complete Guide to Foam Rolling. The exam will test your knowledge of the techniques presented in the book so you can utilize foam rolling techniques to improve performance and aid recovery in your clients and athletes.

Learning Objectives
  • Explain how foam rolling aids in muscle recovery.
  • Describe the flexibility benefits of foam rolling.
  • Identify the benefits of foam rolling for injury prevention.
  • Understand the contraindications for foam rolling.
  • Describe the types of equipment that can be used for foam rolling and the conditions under which each should be used.
  • Understand how muscle and nerve function and position play a role in foam rolling technique.
  • Perform a movement assessment to identify muscles that can benefit from foam rolling.
  • Explain how foam rolling can improve performance in sport.
  • List the three types of stretching that can increase flexibility.
  • Describe how foam rolling can enhance rehabilitation from injury.
  • Create effective foam rolling programs to be used during warm-up, flexibility work, and recovery.


A continuing education exam for certified professionals looking for alternatives to traditional stretching as a way to prepare clients for workouts and assist with their recovery.
Kyle Stull is the senior master trainer and education content manager for TriggerPoint, a division of Implus LLC. TriggerPoint is the creator of the GRID Foam Roller and Myofascial Compression Techniques. For the past 13 years, TriggerPoint has helped establish foam rolling as an industry and has advanced the practice forward.

In his position, Kyle collaborates with leading universities and industry professionals, conducting research and creating evidence support for educational material. Since 2010 he has also been a faculty instructor with the National Academy of Sports Medicine, where he teaches fitness and corrective exercise workshops and contributes content for various journals and articles.

Kyle has a master’s of science in rehabilitation and a bachelor's of science in sport management. He is a licensed massage therapist with more than 12 years of experience in personal training, corrective exercise, and manual therapy. He is presently completing his doctorate in health sciences, for which he is researching the different types of movement assessments used by personal trainers in health clubs to provide insight on best practices.

As a member of the Fascia Research Society and the International Academy of Orthopedic Medicine, Kyle is committed to being at the forefront of industry developments and maintaining the highest standards in his practice by incorporating the latest research into his work.

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