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Coaching Tennis Successfully 2nd Edition PDF

$37.95 CAD

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ISBN: 9781492580522


Page Count: 208

Access Duration: 10 Years

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As a coach, your success depends on the success of your players. Now you can better ensure players’ development and team performance with Coaching Tennis Successfully.

The United States Tennis Association (USTA) presents this comprehensive manual with information on planning productive practices, conducting drills, developing physical and mental skills, and teaching match tactics. You’ll find ideas to prepare singles players and doubles teams for competitive matches. Plus, the book offers the best methods and helpful tips for teaching key skills:

• Footwork

• Serves

• Groundstrokes

• Overheads and volleys

With more than 670,000 members and programs that encompass all 50 states and beyond, the USTA is able to tap into the best minds and mentors in tennis coaching. Coaching Tennis Successfully synthesizes and shares that expertise to give you the winning edge!

Part I. Coaching Foundations

Chapter 1. Philosophy

Chapter 2. Communication

Chapter 3. Motivation

Part II. Planning for Success

Chapter 4. Building a Tennis Program

Chapter 5. Establishing Season Plans

Chapter 6. Planning and Conducting Practices

Part III. Teaching Technique

Chapter 7. Stroke Production

Chapter 8. Serves and Return of Serves

Chapter 9. Groundstrokes and Mid-court Shots

Chapter 10. Net Play, Passing Shots, and Lobs

Part IV. Teaching Tactics

Chapter 11. Singles Strategy

Chapter 12. Doubles Strategy

Part V. Coaching Matches

Chapter 13. Preparation for Competition

Chapter 14. In-Match Coaching

Chapter 15. Performance Evaluation

The United States Tennis Association (USTA) is the governing body for tennis in the United States. The USTA’s membership consists of more than 670,000 individuals and thousands of organizations, including schools, park and recreation departments, community tennis associations, and tennis clubs.

Encompassing all 50 states, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and Guam, the USTA is composed of 17 geographical sections, each of which maintains its own staff to administer USTA programs, establishes its own tournament schedule, and issues its own rankings. Thousands of volunteers and full-time personnel implement the varied USTA programs on the sectional, district, and local levels.

The USTA is known as the owner and operator of the U.S. Open Championships, one of the four Grand Slam professional tournaments in worldwide tennis competition. The U.S. Open is the highest annually attended sporting event in the world. In addition, it owns 96 pro circuit events throughout the United States and selects the U.S. teams for the Davis Cup, Fed Cup, Olympic Games, and Paralympic Games.

National coordination and administration of the USTA’s efforts are facilitated by the full-time staff at the national headquarters in White Plains, New York, the USTA National Tennis Center in Flushing Meadows, New York, and the USA Tennis High Performance headquarters in Key Biscayne, Florida. The USTA works closely with the two major coaching certifying organizations—the U.S. Professional Tennis Association (USPTA) and the Professional Tennis Registry (PTR).These alliances emphasize coaching education and development through an ambitious offering of coaching seminars, workshops, and conferences.

Ron Woods coordinated the development, and wrote selected chapters, of this new edition of Coaching Tennis Successfully. Ron has served the USTA for almost 20 years as director of player development as well as the director of the USTA’s Community Tennis Programs. He was a college tennis coach for 17 years and has been a member of the United States Olympic Coaching Committee and the International Tennis Federation Coaching Commission. Woods has written or contributed to many coaching books and videos over the past 15 years. He and his wife, Kathy, live in Westport, Connecticut.

"This book has something for everyone—coaching advice based on practical high school coaching expertise enhanced by advice from USTA national coaches. It's a must for all tennis coaches."

Dick Gould -- Stanford University, 17 NCAA Championships