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Coaching Football Technical & Tactical Skills PDF

$34.95 CAD

$34.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781492578314


Page Count: 376

Access Duration: 10 Years

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As a coach, it is often cause for concern to see your athletes performing skills well in practice but struggling in the game. Coaching Football Technical and Tactical Skills focuses on the situational decisions players and coaches make that often determine the outcome of games. Written by the American Sport Education Program (ASEP) in conjunction with Rob Ash, the head football coach at Drake University, this book allows players to gain valuable gamelike playing experience in practice by putting them in key tactical situations like the scramble, man-to-man and zone pass coverage, and onside kick.

Each skill is clearly described, and nearly 150 photos are used to further help you understand and implement the techniques in specific situations. Included are quick tips on how to detect and correct errors, cues athletes need to be aware of in various tactical situations, and key information your athletes need to know to make the appropriate decisions on the field. Skills are cross-referenced to show how they relate to each other and to enable you to plan practice situations quickly. Eight detailed practice plans incorporating gamelike situations and a season plan are included to help you get the most out of each practice.

Endorsed by the American Football Coaches Association (AFCA), Coaching Football Technical and Tactical Skills serves as a companion resource for ASEP's Coaching Football Technical and Tactical Skills online course, which, along with Coaching Principles and Sport First Aid courses and CPR certification, makes up the curriculum for ASEP's Bronze Level coaching certification program. Numerous state high school associations, colleges and universities, national sport organizations, and national governing bodies of Olympic sports use the Bronze Level in whole or in part to qualify coaches. The Bronze Level prepares coaches for all aspects of coaching and is a recognized and respected credential for all who earn it.

Part I Teaching and Evaluating

Chapter 1. Teaching Sport Skills
Chapter 2. Evaluating Technical and Tactical Skills

Part II Teaching Technical Skills

Chapter 3. Offensive Technical Skills
Chapter 4. Defensive Technical Skills
Chapter 5. Special Teams Technical Skills

Part III Teaching Tactical Skills

Chapter 6. Offensive Tactical Skills
Chapter 7. Defensive Tactical Skills
Chapter 8. Special Teams Technical Skills

Part IV Planning for Teaching

Chapter 9. Season Plans
Chapter 10. Practice Plans

Part V Game Coaching

Chapter 11. Preparing for Games
Chapter 12. During and After the Game

Coaching Football Technical and Tactical Skills was written by the American Sport Education Program (ASEP) with the assistance of Rob Ash, head football coach at Drake University.

ASEP has been developing and delivering coaching education courses since 1981. As the nation's leading coaching education program, ASEP works with national, state, and local youth sport organizations to develop educational programs for coaches, officials, administrators, and parents. These programs incorporate ASEP's philosophy of “athletes first, winning second.”

"Coaches from all levels of football will benefit from reading Coaching Football Technical and Tactical Skills. The organization and the clarity of the book make it easy to read and practical in its use for football coaches. Rob Ash is a perfectionist and this book from ASEP is a true reflection of him and his approach to coaching football. As a college football coach I would highly recommend this book to my colleagues as well as to all football coaches who want to improve their expertise and their coaching skills."

Mel Tjeerdsma
Head Football Coach
Northwest Missouri State University
President of the American Football Coaches Association

"Coaching Football Technical and Tactical Skills is a must for all serious football coaches. Coach Rob Ash's expertise and experience shine through not only in the technical skills presented, but also in his detailed explanations of the tactics of football. Coaches will also receive invaluable lessons in practice planning. The photos and illustrations are outstanding and truly bring the concepts presented to life. This is an excellent resource for new and seasoned football coaches. As a former football coach who understands the need for football expertise, I am happy to endorse the work of Coach Ash and ASEP."

Grant Teaff
Executive Director
American Football Coaches Association