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Client-Centered Exercise Prescription 3rd Edition PDF With Web Resource

Author: John C. Griffin

$73.95 CAD

Ebook With Online Resource
$73.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781492579311


Page Count: 496

Access Duration: 10 Years

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Client-Centered Exercise Prescription, Third Edition With Web Resource, emphasizes a personalized approach to exercise in which unique programs meet the interests and needs of individual clients. This resource will help you to prescribe exercise and guide clients in adopting, enjoying, and maintaining active lifestyles.

Client-Centered Exercise Prescription, Third Edition, expands the role of the fitness professional from simple exercise prescription to include activity counseling, design modification, exercise demonstration, functionally integrated exercise, injury prevention, and follow-up monitoring for a variety of clients. Central to the book are seven client-centered models for each major fitness component that serve as a template of options for each decision in the prescription process: activity counseling, musculoskeletal exercise design, exercise demonstration, cardiovascular exercise prescription, resistance training prescription, muscle balance and flexibility prescription, and weight management prescription. The text explains the vital role that functionally integrated exercise plays in improving performance and maintaining musculoskeletal health and teaches how to recognize muscle imbalance and prevent complications. Fitness professionals will learn to make informed, client-centered decisions and address the following issues:

• Establishing rapport and increasing adherence by prescribing exercise programs that match clients’ desires, needs, and lifestyles

• Understanding clients’ unique psychological needs and using that information to keep them motivated

• Monitoring clients’ needs both as they are originally presented and as they evolve over time

• Applying strategies for treating and preventing overuse injuries so that clients avoid injury and frustration, thereby avoiding withdrawal from the program

• Addressing the unique considerations of aging clients, including musculoskeletal conditions and functional mobility

The third edition of Client-Centered Exercise Prescription retains the client-centered approach of previous editions, offering simulated initial interviews with clients, teaching cues for demonstration, sample sessions, and sample counseling dialogue. The text also features numerous updates:

• More than 40 reproducible forms included in the text and duplicated in printable format in the web resource that can be shared with clients

• Applied exercise prescription worksheets that facilitate the flow from the prescription models to the prescription card

• Three new chapters on exercise prescription for aging adults that offer specific exercise recommendations for this growing demographic

• Expanded sections on applied nutrition, reliable field tests, safety and referrals, and a unique biomechanical approach to exercise modifications and functional progressions

• Five new case studies and other updated case studies that allow you to grasp how the material may be used in practice

• Theory to Application sidebars, numerous photos, and chapter summaries that will engage you and help you find the most relevant information

Using reliable field tests, practical nutrition guidelines, and applied exercise physiology concepts, this text will help both professionals and students better serve their current and future clients. Candidates preparing for certification exams, including the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology Certified Personal Trainer (CSEP-CPT) exam, will find comprehensive treatment of the theory and applications covering the competencies required before entering the field. Practical examples, applied models, and scientific knowledge also make the text accessible to undergraduate students in fitness, exercise science, and health promotion programs.

Part I: Foundations of Client-Centered Exercise Prescription

Chapter 1. Activity Counseling Model

Client-Centered Approach

Step 1: Establish Rapport

Step 2: Gather Information

Step 3: Establish Strategies for Change


Chapter 2. Client-Centered Motivational Strategies

Stages of Change

Client Profiling

Goal Setting

Motivation and Commitment

Motivation and Adherence


Chapter 3. Principles of Client-Centered Prescription

Exercise Design and Outcomes

Prescription Guidelines for Health, Fitness, and Performance

Components and Structural Segments of an Exercise Program

Exercise Modifications and Functional Progressions

Biomechanical Principles of Exercise


Chapter 4. Client-Centered Assessment

Health Screening and Lifestyle Appraisal

Fitness Test Item Selection

Cardiovascular Assessment

Body Composition Assessment

Musculoskeletal Assessment

Flexibility and Muscle Tightness Assessment


Chapter 5. Exercise Analysis, Design, and Demonstration

Anatomical Analysis of Exercise

Musculoskeletal Exercise Design Model

Client-Centered Exercise Demonstration Model


Part II: Client-Centered Exercise Prescription

Chapter 6. Client-Centered Cardiovascular Exercise Prescription Model

Step 1: Review Client Needs and Confirm Goals

Step 2: Select Activities and Equipment

Step 3: Select Training Method

Step 4: Set Intensity and Workload

Step 5: Set Volume

Step 6: Design Progression and Monitoring

Step 7: Design Warm-Up and Cool-Down


Chapter 7. Client-Centered Resistance Training Prescription Model

Specificity of Resistance Training

Matching Prescription to Client Needs

Resistance Training Prescription Model


Chapter 8. Client-Centered Functionally Integrated Exercise

Functionally Integrated Exercise

Muscle Balance

Mechanisms of Stretch and Flexibility

Role of Fascia

Flexibility Training Methods

Muscle Balance Prescription Model


Chapter 9. Client-Centered Weight Management Prescription Model

Nutrition Essentials

Energy Expenditure

Energy Sources and Metabolism

Energy Balance

Eating Behaviors

Integrating Activity into Lifestyle

Weight Management Prescription Model


Part III: Exercise Prescription for Injuries and Older Adults

Chapter 10. Causes and Prevention of Overuse Injuries

Team Approach to Injury Management

Causes of Soft Tissue Injuries

Understanding Soft Tissue Injuries

Overuse Injuries

Exercise Prescription for Injured Clients

Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness


Chapter 11. Exercise Prescription for Specific Injuries

Plantar Fasciitis

Achilles Tendinitis and Tendinosis

Shin Splints

Patellofemoral Syndrome

Hamstring Strain

Low Back Pain

Rotator Cuff Tendinitis

Lateral Epicondylitis


Chapter 12. Exercise and Musculoskeletal Conditions in Older Adults




Musculoskeletal Injury


Chapter 13. Exercise Prescription for Older Adults


Benefits of Physical Activity in Older Adults

Transtheoretical Model Applied to Older Adults

Aging Effects and Exercise Training Benefits

Preexercise Screening and Assessment

Exercise Component Guidelines

Functional Exercise Design

Client-Centered Functional Exercise Prescription


Chapter 14. Functional Mobility and Aging

Early Functional Mobility Limitations

Functional Mobility Classifications

Domains of Functional Mobility

Disablement Process Model

Compensation Strategies

Functional Mobility Screening and Assessment

Functional Mobility Screening Tool

Client-Centered Functional Mobility Prescription


John C. Griffin, MSc, is an award-winning retired professor, private consultant, speaker, writer for public and private sector organizations, and coach for more than 40 years. Griffin has authored more than 100 publications, including the first two editions of Client-Centered Exercise Prescription. He also contributed chapters in the grade 12 Exercise Sciences and Healthy Active Living textbooks. Recently, he has conducted research on the functional mobility of older adults and developed a screening tool and exercise prescription algorithm. John worked with the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology on the national certification for personal fitness trainers and is a national course conductor and examiner. Working with the National Fitness Leadership Advisory Council, John coauthored the first national standards for exercise leaders in Canada. John has received awards from NFLAC, OASES, Ontario Fitness Council, George Brown College, Province of Ontario, Australian Sport and Fitness Council, and the Mimico Lacrosse Association. He has lectured in Finland, Australia, Sweden, many American cities, and all across Canada.

"This is among the top books on exercise prescription with a client-specific focus. It is current, well organized, and includes helpful resources that can be used in real-world settings."

--Doody’s Book Review (5-star review)

The web resource contains more than 40 reproducible worksheets, forms, and checklists as well as sample interviews and exercise programs to assist in working with clients.