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Careers in Dance

Practical and Strategic Guidance From the Field

Author: Ali Duffy

$54.95 CAD

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$54.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781492592723


Page Count: 208

Never before has a greater variety of careers been available in dance—and never before has such comprehensive, expert guidance on those burgeoning careers been accessible in one book.

Careers in Dance is a master guide that will help students navigate the expanding opportunities in dance and familiarize current professionals with potential career choices that best align with their pursuits and strengths.

This highly practical text offers a wealth of information on career options in a variety of settings and with a variety of focuses, including commercial ventures, scholarly pursuits, administrative avenues, medical and scientific settings, and interdisciplinary opportunities. Readers are guided in discovering their deepest interests and learning how to translate their unique strengths into rich and fulfilling careers.

In keeping with recent trends in higher education dance programs, Careers in Dance spotlights entrepreneurship and leadership opportunities for dancers, delving into an array of options and offering much-needed advice. The book covers some of the social and cultural influences that affect success in the field, and it explores various career opportunities:
  • K-12 and postsecondary dance education
  • Dance studios
  • Performance, choreography, and production
  • Dance research, analytical writing, and journalism
  • Dance administration and advocacy
  • Dance science, therapy, and medical and somatic practices
  • Private competition companies
  • Technical theater and related areas
The text also helps readers understand the connections between dance and other disciplines. For example, it details the interdisciplinary opportunities involving technology, technical theater, and media. It also notes the possibilities for continued education in graduate school programs and suggests approaches to acclimating to life as a working professional.

Careers in Dance offers two recurring elements throughout the book:
  1. Profiles of, and interviews with, esteemed professional dancers, revealing their real-world experiences and affording insights into different dance careers
  2. Reflection prompts that encourage self-reflection and prepare readers to seek career development and career advancement opportunities
This text explores the opportunities dance students and professionals can pursue, helps them pinpoint their areas of interest and strengths, and equips them to create their unique paths to a fulfilling career in dance. In doing so, Careers in Dance provides the advice and strategies dancers need to actualize their own destinies in dance.


Text for undergraduate courses on careers, entrepreneurship, and leadership, and for dance students embarking on careers. Reference for professionals considering career changes in the dance field.
Chapter 1. Examining the Big Picture
Dance as an Economic and Cultural Force in the United States
Impact of Dance on the U.S. Economy
Dance as a Cultural Force in the United States
Expanding Notions of a Career in Dance
Education and Training for Careers in Dance

Chapter 2. Dance as an Entrepreneurial Journey
An Entrepreneurial Approach to Dance Careers
Aligning Strengths With Career Goals
Qualities of a Successful Dance Professional
Roadblocks and Rerouting
Plans B, and C, and D
A Mindset of Lifelong Learning and Change

Chapter 3. Teaching Dance in K-12 Schools and Postsecondary Education
Planning and Training for a Career in Dance Education
Steps to a Career in K-12 Dance Education
Steps to a Career in Postsecondary Dance Education
Pros and Cons of Different Educational Environments

Chapter 4. Opportunities in the Private Sector: Dance Studios and Schools
Types of Studios and Schools
Training and Education for Dance Studio Professions
Teaching in a Dance Studio
Managing a Teaching Career Over a Lifetime
Opening a Dance Studio Business

Chapter 5. Nonprofit Dance Companies and Organizations
Performing in a Dance Company
Artistic Leadership

Chapter 6. Breaking Into Commercial Dance
Career Options in Commercial or Entertainment-Based Dance
Training and Preparation
Finding an Agent
Joining a Union
Audition Tips
A Day on the Job

Chapter 7. Dance Research and Journalism
Dance Journalism
Dance Research

Chapter 8. Dance Administration and Advocacy
Careers in Dance Administration
Dance Administration Careers in Educational Institutions
Administrative Careers in Dance Companies and Nonprofit Organizations
Preparing for a Career as a Dance Company Executive Administrator
Careers in Dance Advocacy
Preparing for a Career Involving Dance Advocacy

Chapter 9. Dance Science, Medicine, Therapies, and Somatic Practices
Careers in Dance Science and Medicine
Careers in Dance/Movement Therapy
Careers in Somatic Practices
Preparing for a Career in Somatic Practices

Chapter 10. Competitive Dance and Sports Entertainment
Private Dance Competition and Convention Companies
High School and Collegiate Competitive Dance
Preparing for Careers in Competitive Dance
Professional Sports Entertainment Dance Teams
Preparing for Careers on Sports Entertainment Dance Teams

Chapter 11. Technical Theater, Media, and Technology
Opportunities in Technical Theater
Preparing for Careers in Technical Theater
Opportunities in Media and Technology

Chapter 12. Interdisciplinary Opportunities
Collaboration With Artists
Collaboration With Professionals Outside of the Arts
Preparing for Professional Interdisciplinary Opportunities

Conclusion. Now What? First Steps Toward a Dance Career
Major Takeaways From This Book
Graduate School Possibilities
Adjusting to Life as a Working Professional in Dance
Ali Duffy, PhD, is a President’s Excellence in Teaching professor and associate professor of dance and honors at Texas Tech University. She is the founder and artistic director of Flatlands Dance Theatre, a professional nonprofit dance company in Texas. She holds a PhD from Texas Woman’s University, an MFA from University of North Carolina (UNC) Greensboro, a BA from UNC Charlotte, and a professional certificate in online education from the University of Wisconsin at Madison. Dr. Duffy’s writing has been published in Research in Dance Education, Journal of Dance Education, Dance Education in Practice, and Journal of Emerging Dance Scholarship. Dr. Duffy has been invited for scholarly and artistic presentations and residencies at the University of South Florida, Lindenwood University, Colorado Mesa University, Virginia Tech, University of Detroit, UNC Charlotte, UNC Greensboro, Austin Dance Festival, COCO Dance Festival, and Danca Nova Dance Company. She sits on the National Dance Education Organization’s Cultivating Leadership Committee and served on the board of the Dance Critics Association. Prior to her work in academia, Dr. Duffy performed internationally on Holland America cruise ships (RWS Entertainment) and for independent contemporary choreographers on both U.S. coasts. She has also taught and adjudicated for the National Dance Alliance and worked as a dance critic for World Dance Reviews. Her career in dance is endlessly supported by her wonderful family, and she is ever grateful for her brilliant husband, Carlos, and beautiful son, Noah.

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