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Campus Recreational Sports Facilities

Author: NIRSA

$73.95 CAD

$73.95 CAD

ISBN: 9780736063838


Page Count: 296

The focus on campus recreational facilities continues as university administrators and campus recreation professionals increasingly recognize participation in recreational sport programs and activities as a key determinant of student recruitment, retention, and satisfaction. The significance of campus recreational facilities in an institution’s success has led many institutions to evaluate possibilities for new or renovated recreational spaces. For assistance in these construction and renovation projects, campus recreational professionals and others can look to the advice, guidance, and best practices in Campus Recreational Sport Facilities: Planning, Design, and Construction Guidelines.

This practical guide covers the entire process of building a facility, from the initial planning through design, construction, and move-in. With this text, recreational sport directors, architects, and construction and equipment consultants have access to the latest industry standards, guidelines, and information to navigate the complex process of planning, designing, building, and opening a recreational or sport-specific facility.

Developed by the National Intramural-Recreational Sports Association (NIRSA) in conjuction with NIRSA member architects and campus recreational sport directors, this valuable resource presents current construction options and assists you in determining which option best meets your institution’s needs. This comprehensive reference contains the following features:
  • Explanations of the concepts and outlines of the procedures for planning, designing, constructing, and renovating indoor and outdoor recreational facilities
  • Industry standards, NIRSA guidelines, and planning principles, including information on universal and green design
  • A dedicated Web site with links to current field and court specifications from numerous national governing bodies, allowing easy access to dimensions and information for efficient planning and design of both indoor and outdoor sport spaces
  • A glossary of terms used by architects, recreational sport directors, and contractors to encourage clear and consistent communication throughout all stages of the project

Campus Recreational Sport Facilities: Planning, Design, and Construction Guidelines is packed with expert advice from architects, construction managers, and campus recreation directors. Numerous photos of recreational facilities will spark your imagination with possibilities and provide visual examples of guidelines for facilities. This book covers the following topics:
  • The planning process from the perspective of the campus master planner and the recreational sport director
  • The feasibility study process, how to determine whether to build new or renovate existing facilities, and how to raise capital to fund design and construction costs
  • The design and general planning standards for indoor and outdoor recreational facilities, aquatic centers, and climbing walls
  • The integration of furniture, fixtures, and equipment in the architectural design and construction processes
  • An overview of the architectural design and construction processes
  • Moving in and opening your new or newly renovated facility

Transforming the institutional vision of a recreational sport facility into a reality is a complicated process. The rising costs of construction and fulfilling institutional and financial goals also make it a high-stakes endeavor. From start to finish, rely on Campus Recreational Sport Facilities: Planning, Design, and Construction Guidelines and build your peace of mind as you build or renovate your recreational facility.


Reference for campus recreation directors, administrators, architects, construction companies, or others involved in planning for construction or renovation of recreational facilities. Supplemental textbook for undergraduate courses in recreational facility design.


Part I Initial Facility Planning Process

Chapter 1 The Planning Process Through the Eyes of the Campus Master Planner and the Recreational Sport Director

James C. Turman, PhD
Clinton N. Hewitt, ASLA

Planning Process Objectives
Departmental Planning
Institutional Planning Process
Process of Comprehensive Recreational Planning for Facilities
Plan Implementation
Related Journals and Periodicals

Chapter 2 Feasibility: What Are the Possibilities?
Paul Knell, AIA, NCARB
Paul J. Tellers, AIA
Robert J. Bailey, AIA, CCS, CSI
Warren T. Bulseco, AIA, LEEP AP,

Defining Feasibility
Who’s Who: Administrators, Stakeholders, and the Consultant Team
The Feasibility Study Process
Next Steps

Part II Facility Design Process

Chapter 3 To Renovate or Build From Scratch: What’s the Tipping Point?

Donald Vitters, AIA
Nancy B. Freedman, AIA, LEED AP
David J. Dymicki, AIA
Brad McCord, AIA

Why Would You Choose to Renovate?
When Would You Choose to Renovate?
How Would You Choose to Renovate?

Chapter 4 Selling the Dream on Campus and Off: Winning Support, Building Consensus, and Raising Capital to Fund Recreational Facilities
Christopher Chivetta, PE, LEED AP
Case Statement for the Building
Advocates and Opponents of Student Recreation Center Projects
Understanding the Total Costs of a Student Recreation Center
Funding: Available Sources

Chapter 5 Selecting an Architect and Understanding Team Roles
Anita Picozzi Moran, AIA and F&S Partners, Incorporated
Hiring an Architect
Formal Selection Process
Key Staff of an Architectural Firm
Consultants: Part of the Architectural Team
Steps in the Architectural Process

Chapter 6 Standards for Recreation and Sport Facilities
Julie M. Skolnicki, AIA, LEED AP, REFP
Defining the User
General Indoor Planning Standards and Considerations
Usage Patterns
Facility Zones
Building Efficiency
Detailed Indoor Facility Standards

Chapter 7 Standards for Outdoor Recreation Sport Facilities
Scott Crawford, ASLA, LEED AP
Mike Bell, ASLA
Jack Patton, AIA

Outdoor Program Elements
College and University Recreation Programs
Identifying the Need
Site Considerations
Field Design Considerations
Court Design Considerations
Sidewalks and Trails
Support Buildings and Facilities

Chapter 8 Aquatic Facilities
D. Scot Hunsaker
Doug Cook, PE, MBA, LEED AP

Programming Requirements
Design and Construction Process

Chapter 9 Climbing Wall Facility Planning
Richard Cook
The Value and Benefits of a Climbing Program
Trends in Indoor Rock Climbing
Site Selection and Facility Planning
Development of Artificial Climbing Structure Standards
Design and Engineering
The Building Process
Climbing Wall Design Considerations
Legal Liability and Risk Management

Chapter 10 Getting It Right the First Time With FF&E: Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment
David W. Larson, AIA, TMP Associates, Inc.
Jacob L. Buehler, APR, TMP Associates, Inc.
Karen Bean, ASID, TMP Associates, Inc.

The Necessity of Early FF&E Selection
Analyzing the Architectural Program
Preliminary Furniture List
Schematic Design Phase
Verifying Procurement Procedures
Design Development Phase
Construction Documentation Phase
Coordinating Final Bidding Instructions
Construction Administration Phase
Occupancy Phase

Part III Construction and Move-In

Chapter 11 The Construction Process—Now Build It! Going From Paper to Reality and Everything in Between

John A. Selby, AIA
Geff Bottomley

Who’s in Charge? The Roles and Responsibilities of Project Team Members
Long Before the Groundbreaking: Early Involvement of the Construction Manager
Okay, Let’s Build It
Recreation Centers Are Unique: Some Issues to Plan For
Drawdown: Who Pays What and When
Almost Done: Commissioning—Checking It Out
Construction Completion
Project Closeout

Chapter 12 Move-In and Dedication
Thomas M. Roberts, MS

About the Contributors

The National Intramural-Recreational Sports Association (NIRSA) is the leading resource for professional and student development, education, and research in collegiate recreational sports. Established in 1950, NIRSA has nearly 4,000 highly trained professional, student, and associate members throughout the U.S., Canada, and other countries. NIRSA's mission is to provide for the education and development of its memebers and to foster quality recreational programs, facilities, and services for diverse populations. The association's commitment to excellence is shown in its use of resources that promote ethical and healthy lifestyle choices.

“This book is the most comprehensive and detailed analysis of the planning and building process regarding recreational facilities that I have ever read.”
David Hall, director of campus recreation
Springfield College