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Business of Personal Training PDF With Web Resource, The

Author: Mark Nutting

$72.95 CAD

Ebook With Online Resource
$72.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781492580324


Page Count: 280

Access Duration: 10 Years

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Running a personal training business is not easy. From marketing and sales to budgets, staffing, and clientele issues there is much to consider. Getting it right takes time—time that you would probably rather spend improving your clients’ fitness and wellness. The Business of Personal Training walks you through the business-based side of personal training while teaching you the valuable skills you’ll need to start, build, and grow your business. Whether you are a personal trainer working for a fitness facility, an independent contractor, or the owner of a personal training business, you will benefit from the practical business guidelines and tools presented in this book.

Divided into two main parts, The Business of Personal Training will first give you an understanding of the various roles open to you and the expectations in each. The second part will lead you through key business concepts designed to grow your business. You’ll learn how to structure your business, plan for startup expenses and financing, and get the right staff in place. You’ll find critical information on marketing and promoting the services you offer, effectively selling and generating revenue, driving referral business and customer loyalty, and expanding and diversifying your business. Two appendixes offer sample templates and forms:

Nine business plan templates: cover letter, executive summary, business or company description, market analysis and demographics, competitive analysis, management plan, financial plan, capital required, and marketing plan

Seven personal trainer–client forms: PAR-Q+, personal wellness profile, physician’s clearance, informed consent and release, assessment recording form, cleaning checklist, and facility and equipment maintenance log

As an added bonus, a companion web resource provides the templates and forms in an electronic format so you can customize them as needed. A third appendix provides a list of business resources.

There is no need to be overwhelmed with all that goes into running your personal training business successfully. The Business of Personal Training is a comprehensive, digestible, and applicable resource that will take your business to the next level, giving you more time for what’s most important.

Earn continuing education credits/units! A continuing education course and exam that uses this book is also available. It may be purchased separately or as part of a package that includes all the course materials and exam.

Part I. Understanding the Roles and Responsibilities of Personal Trainers

Chapter 1. Discovering Your Purpose and the Scope of What You Can Do

Chapter 2. Choosing to Be a Personal Trainer for a Fitness Facility

Chapter 3. Choosing to Be a Self-Employed Personal Trainer

Chapter 4. Choosing to Be a Personal Trainer and Facility Owner

Part II. Learning and Applying Business Skills

Chapter 5. Creating a Business Plan

Chapter 6. Determining Your Business Structure

Chapter 7. Screening and Hiring Your Staff

Chapter 8. Obtaining the Right Insurance

Chapter 9. Determining Your Offerings and Their Pricing

Chapter 10. Developing Forms and Contracts

Chapter 11. Becoming Financially Profitable

Chapter 12. Marketing Your Services and Your Business

Chapter 13. Learning the Art of Selling

Chapter 14. Communicating With Clients, Businesses, and the Community

Chapter 15. Identifying Options for Outsourcing Your Tasks

Chapter 16. Growing Your Business

Appendix A. Business Plan Templates

Appendix B. Personal Trainer–Client Forms

Appendix C. Business Resources

Mark A. Nutting, CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT,*D, ACSM-HFD, ACSM-CEP, RCPT*E, is known for “training the personal trainer.” He has more than 37 years of experience in personal training and health club management and over 10 years of intensive study about business practices and how to apply them to the fitness industry. Mark is an early adopter of the newest technologies and social media applications, and he is an eight-year veteran blogger to his large network of top professionals in general business and the fitness business. In 2017, Mark was designated as a Recognized Certified Personal Trainer Emeritus by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). He was the recipient of the 2016 Personal Fitness Professional’s Trainer of the Year Legacy Award and NSCA’s 2009 Personal Trainer of the Year Award.