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Basketball Offenses & Plays

Author: Kenneth Atkins

$15.48 CAD $30.95 CAD

$15.48 CAD

ISBN: 9780736048477


Page Count: 344

Make the most of every possession with the help of Basketball Offenses & Plays. Inside you'll find

  • 22 man-to-man offenses,
  • 15 zone offenses,
  • 51 quick-scoring and delay offenses,
  • 26 special situational plays, and
  • 62 inbounds plays.

Each section contains a variety of sets and plays, all clearly explained and diagrammed. The presentation will assist you in selecting the best options for your offense based on the game situation, your personnel on the court, your preferred playing style, and your opponent's personnel and tactics. Basketball Offenses & Plays provides all the information you need to make the right call every time your team has the ball.

Part I. Man-to-Man Offenses
Chapter 1. Passing Game Offenses
Chapter 2. 1-4 High Sets
Chapter 3. Common Man-to-Man Offenses
Chapter 4. Unique Offensive Strategies

Part II. Zone Offenses
Chapter 5. Tulsa Passing Game
Chapter 6. Common Zone Offenses
Chapter 7. Offenses Versus a Box-and-One
Chapter 8. Offenses Versus a Triangle-and-Two

Part III. Quick Scoring and Delay Offenses
Chapter 9. Fast Breaks
Chapter 10. Quick Hitters
Chapter 11. Delay Games

Part IV Situational Plays
Chapter 12. Three Pointers
Chapter 13. Buzzer Beaters

Part V. In-Bound Plays
Chapter 14. Under the Basket
Chapter 15. From the Sideline
Chapter 16. When Opponent Presses
Chapter 17. After Opponent Makes a Free Throw

Ken Atkins has more than 20 years of experience coaching basketball from junior high school to the collegiate level. In 13 years as head coach of the Monarchs at King's College in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, he took a struggling basketball program and turned it into a constant force in the Middle Atlantic Conference.

At King's College, he notched the school's second-most career wins, the most wins in a season, the longest winning streak, and the best career winning percentage. He led the Monarchs to their first conference championship and to three NCAA Division III Tournaments and was twice named Middle Atlantic Conference-Northern Division Coach of the Year. Atkins was a member of the National Association of Basketball Coaches for 17 years.

Atkins enjoys writing, reading, and gardening. He resides in Larksville, Pennsylvania, with his wife, Betsy.

"I have spent many hours talking the game with Kenny Atkins. He has a great feel for and understanding of the tactical aspects of the game as well as a knack for presenting to coaches and players."

Fran Dunphy
Men's head basketball coach
University of Pennsylvania