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AYF/AYC Recertification: Sportsmanship, Safety, and First Aid 12th Edition Online Course

Author: Coach Education

$21.95 CAD

Online Course
$21.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781718237803

Approved Credits:

Please note that successful completion of the introductory course (either Coaching Youth Football: The AYF Way or Coaching Youth Cheerleading: The AYC Way) is a prerequisite to taking this recertification course. Only coaches who have completed the corresponding introductory course are eligible to take the recertification course. Also, no bulk purchases or discounts are available on the recertification course.

At AYF and AYC, reducing risks to players is a primary concern. It is essential that coaches provide a safer playing environment and interact with the athletes entrusted to them in a professional manner. This recertification course is an integral part of that effort. You’ll gain important information on reducing player injury risks, promoting healthy habits in your athletes, promoting a safe environment, and instilling sportsmanship in your players, team, and program.

New content in the 12th edition emphasizes the importance of establishing a medical emergency action plan and procedures for addressing medical emergencies. In this year’s edition of the course, special attention is given to treating an athlete experiencing an airway blockage. Coaches will learn to recognize the signs of a blockage and take appropriate steps for treating the athlete (including abdominal thrusts). A flowchart provides a visual summary of the emergency action steps related to airway blockages.

The online course blends reading assignments with interactive activities and quizzes to check your progress. Realistic coaching scenarios emphasize key concepts and challenge your decision-making ability. Sample forms, checklists, and tip sheets featured in the course can be downloaded, printed, and distributed at your next practice or coaches’ meeting. The course concludes with an online 20-question test.

Upon completing this 12th edition recertification course, you should be able to demonstrate understanding of the following:
  • The coach’s role in promoting positive conduct within a program
  • Why standards are superior to rules when establishing behavior guidelines
  • How your values translate to your expectations and ability to teach proper sportsmanship
  • What sportsmanship and sport skills have in common: the need to be practiced
  • Why good sportsmanship is also an additional safety measure
  • What to include in a sport first aid kit
  • How to develop a medical emergency plan and initiate it in the event of a serious injury or illness
  • The four phases of athletic health care
  • The nine legal duties that define your role in minimizing the risk of injury to your athletes
  • What emergency medical personnel and doctors can and will do to assist you
  • What health records you should keep for each athlete
  • What to look for when checking facilities for hazards and evaluating equipment for proper fit and usage
  • Why preseason physicals, fitness screenings, and conditioning programs are vital to your game plan
  • How to guard against sexual, physical, or emotional abuse occurring on your team


Returning football and cheer coaches affiliated with American Youth Football and American Youth Cheerleading in need of recertification for the 2024 season.
Unit 1. Sportsmanship
Modeling Sportsmanship
Communicating Sportsmanship
Teaching Sportsmanship
Practicing Sportsmanship
Unit Replay
Check for Understanding

Unit 2. The First Aid Team and Legal Duties
Making the Athletic Health Care Team
The Coach’s Role on the Athletic Health Care Team
The Rest of the Athletic Health Care Team
The Four Phases of the Athletic Health Care Team
Unit Replay
Check for Understanding

Unit 3. Sport First Aid Game Plan
Keeping Athletes’ Health Records
Developing a Medical Emergency Plan
Handling an Airway Blockage
Responding to Head Injuries
First Aid Game Plan Checklist
Unit Replay
Check for Understanding
American Youth Football (AYF) is an international nonprofit youth football organization founded in 1996 to promote the wholesome development of youth through their association with adult leaders in the sport of American football. AYF invites all youth programs to join and participate, without restricting based on weight or size of participants, leagues, financial abilities, or any other biases.

With 700,000 participants, 90,000 coaches, and 40,000 administrators, AYF has become the largest football organization on any level of the sport.

Joe Galat serves as the president of AYF. Joe’s football experience was honed by some of the game’s greats: Bo Schembechler, Carm Cozza, and John McVay. When Pro Football Hall of Fame coach George Allen was owner of Montreal, he appointed Joe to be his head coach. Joe then went on to become head coach and general manager of the British Columbia Lions of the Canadian Football League. He coached college football at Miami University, Yale University, University of Kentucky, and Youngstown State University, and he coached pro football with the New York Giants and Houston Oilers. In 1982, Joe was inducted into the Miami University Hall of Fame. He was also inducted into the Painesville Harvey High School Hall of Fame (along with the NFL’s winningest coach, Don Shula).

After his coaching days, Joe was national color commentator for CBC-TV Sports. This experience gave him the distinction of having held every position in organized football (player, coach, manager, broadcaster, and youth executive). Joe has participated in youth football clinics in the United States, Canada, and Mexico as well as throughout Europe and Russia. Joe was also honored as a Kentucky Colonel by Governor Wendell Ford.

Human Kinetics Coach Education has been developing and delivering coaching education courses since 1981. As the nation’s leader in providing coaching education programs, Human Kinetics works with national, state, and local sport organizations to develop educational programs for coaches, officials, administrators, and parents that emphasize athlete development over winning at all costs.

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