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Attacking Soccer

Author: Jay Miller

$30.95 CAD

$30.95 CAD
$30.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781450422406


Page Count: 192

The key to success in soccer is solid, well-rounded attacking skills. And in today’s game all 11 players on the field, not just the strikers, need to be proficient in attacking play. Strikers must master the technical and tactical skills, finding new ways to put the ball between the goalposts. Defenders must be willing and able to move forward and join in attacks. Even goalkeepers must know how to launch and coordinate a counterattack. In Attacking Soccer, editor Jay Miller has assembled a panel of experts to discuss these topics and more:

• Attacking from the flanks

• Crossing and attack heading

• Direct and indirect free kicks

• Capitalizing on corner kicks and throw-ins

• Maintaining team possession

• Attacking from the defensive third

The coaches who have written these chapters are a who’s who of elite soccer, including Anson Dorrance, Ken Lolla, Bobby Clark, Tony DiCicco, and Mike Noonan. Each has included favorite drills so that you can practice the same attacking skills used with elite players. Attacking Soccer is the definitive guide for breaking down defenses and consistent offensive performance.