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Athletic Trainers' BOC Exam Prep 2nd Edition Online Course

$117.95 CAD

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Online Course
$117.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781718220300


Access Duration: 24 Months

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Athletic Trainers’ BOC Exam Prep, Second Edition Online Course, prepares students and individuals for the qualifying exam to become an athletic trainer certified by the Board of Certification (BOC). The course explores the complexities of the BOC online examination and offers users an interactive interface to review vital information outlined in the BOC’s Practice Analysis, Eighth Edition (PA8).

This prep course provides hundreds of online practice questions that mirror the question difficulty and range of subjects found on the test, as well as references, study resources, and detailed information on the format and content of the exam. Unlike practicing on paper, the online interface ensures students’ practice easily translates to the exam. Through practice questions and subject-specific chapters, students will be tested on foundational knowledge and key concepts that are necessary for becoming a certified athletic trainer. Instructors are supported with tips for incorporating the course into a classroom setting, as well as a sample syllabus, content summaries, and learning objectives.

Athletic Trainers’ BOC Exam Prep, Second Edition Online Course, is divided into easily manageable chapters. Chapters 1 to 3 as well as chapter 10 provide logistical help on what to expect before, during, and after the actual exam, including information on registration and policies, study tips, and examples of the online interface used in taking the exam. The appendix offers a sample study calendar for students.

Chapters 4 to 8 are each devoted to one of the five subject-matter domains that are covered on the exam: risk reduction, wellness, and health literacy; assessment, evaluation, and diagnosis; critical incident management; therapeutic intervention; and health care administration and professional responsibility. Each chapter consists predominantly of interactive practice questions in multiple-choice, multiple-selection, matching, and drag-and-drop formats. To help students practice real-world application, some questions are grouped into focused testlets that all relate to a central scenario. Upon completing each question, students receive immediate feedback on their answers. Incorrect answers generate feedback that points to the related resource so that students can find the correct information. In this section, all test questions are cross-referenced to the eighth edition of the BOC’s Practice Analysis, the fifth edition of NATA’s Athletic Training Education Competencies, and the BOC Exam Candidate Handbook.

Chapter 9 compiles questions from the various subject-specific chapters into two full-length timed practice exams. These exams mimic the questions and test-taking environment of the actual BOC examination. Students will use the information and skills they have acquired throughout the rest of the course to complete the practice tests. At the conclusion of the practice exam, students are presented with a cumulative score so they can gauge which knowledge areas need improvement before sitting for the actual exam.


Students in athletic training programs and other individuals who are preparing to take the Board of Certification (BOC) exam to become a certified athletic trainer.
Chapter 1. Understanding the BOC Examination
Chapter 2. Taking the Exam
Chapter 3. After the Exam
Chapter 4. Risk Reduction, Wellness and Health Literacy
Chapter 5. Assessment, Evaluation and Diagnosis
Chapter 6. Critical Incident Management
Chapter 7. Therapeutic Intervention
Chapter 8. Health Care Administration and Professional Responsibility
Chapter 9. Practice Exams
Chapter 10. Studying for the Exam

Appendix A. Sample Study Calendar
Appendix B. Practice Analysis, Eighth Edition
Lorin A. Cartwright, MS, ATC, is a consultant with extensive experience in all aspects of instruction of student athletic trainers. She was the first woman to graduate from Grand Valley State University with a degree in athletic training, and she later became the first woman to serve as president of the Great Lakes Athletic Trainers Association. She was appointed by the governor of Michigan to the Michigan Board of Athletic Trainers and Michigan’s Task Force on Women in Sports. For the past four years she has been an active member of the National Athletic Trainers' Association LGBTQ+ Advisory Committee, and she is currently the cochair of the Michigan Athletic Trainers' Society Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee.

In 2022, Cartwright received the National Athletic Trainers’ Association Gail Weldon Award of Excellence. In 2010, she received the Outstanding Educator Award from the Great Lakes Athletic Trainers Association. She has been inducted into the Ann Arbor Pioneer High School Hall of Fame, the Michigan Athletic Trainers' Society Hall of Fame, and the Great Lakes Athletic Trainers Association Hall of Fame.

Cartwright has been involved in presentations on topics such as ally training, implicit bias, cultural competence in health care, and Title IX. Her articles include “Employment Discrimination in Athletic Training: A Case Study,” “Integrating Safe Space Ally Training Into the AT Curriculum,” “Minority Stress and Its Impact on Mental Health in LGBTQ+ Patients and Athletic Trainers and Patients Who Identify as LGBTQ+,” “Stressors of Sexual Minority Identity and How It Affects Mental Health,” and “Considerations in Addressing Bias to Ensure Inclusion and Healthcare.” She has authored two books and coauthored seven books about the athletic training profession.

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All ancillaries are free to adopting instructors through HKPropel.

Instructor guide. Includes chapter outlines, advice on incorporating the online course into a class setting, and a syllabus to aid instructors in lecture preparation and classroom discussion.

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