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Athletic Body in Balance DVD

Author: Gray Cook

$41.95 CAD

DVD Video
$41.95 CAD

ISBN: 9780736060325

You work out and train hard. You know you can reach that next level of performance. But are you doing all that you can to get there? Adding absolute strength and power often creates muscle imbalances and mobility limitations that cause injuries and limit skill training. The Athletic Body in Balance DVD is the first of its kind to show how to identify and correct muscle imbalances, mobility restrictions, and stability problems.

Host Gray Cook is a physical therapist and sports conditioning expert who has proven the effectiveness of his approach through the performances of athletes in the NFL, NBA, NHL, WNBA, and Reebok® University's sports training system. Cook's methods detect where conditioning is breaking down and reveals how to get your body back on track. Included in the DVD are five assessment tests to help you find the imbalances in movement patterns, sample corrective exercises to improve mobility and stability, and ways to integrate these exercises into a regular training program. The tests include

-deep squat—assessing the mobility and stability of the hips, knees, and ankles

-hurdle steps—evaluating bilateral mobility and stability of the hips, knees, and ankles

-in-line lunge—determining hip mobility and stability, quadriceps flexibility, and ankle and knee stability on both sides of the body

-straight leg raise—gauging hamstring flexibility

-seated rotation—measuring uppertrunk stability during a combined upper- and lower-body movement

Move more efficiently and achieve real gains in performance with the Athletic Body in Balance DVD.

Human Kinetics DVDs are coded for universal playback and can be played in all regions of the world.

Gray Cook is a physical therapist, board certified in orthopedics. He also is a certified strength coach with experience in several sports at the youth, college, and professional levels. Cook is a nationally recognized lecturer and consultant to the NFL, NBA, NHL, and WNBA as well as numerous college sports medicine and conditioning facilities. His innovative research and applied work are found in many rehabilitation and conditioning publications.

Cook is the director of orthopedic and sports physical therapy at Dunn, Cook & Associates. He also serves as the creative director of sport-specific training for Reebok® and is the first Reebok® master coach.

Cook received his graduate degree in physical therapy education at the University of Miami School of Medicine with a focus on orthopedics and sports rehabilitation and research in motor learning. He is a faculty member of the North American Sports Medicine Institute and is the codeveloper of the course titled Functional Exercise Training and Rehabilitation. He lives in his hometown of Danville, Virginia.

Athletic Body in Balance DVD
Gray Cook

Athletic Body in Balance DVD

$41.95 CAD

You work out and train hard. You know you can reach that next level of performance. But are you doing all that you can to get there? Adding absolute strength and power often creates muscle imbalances and mobility limitations that cause injuries and limit skill training. The Athletic Body in Balance DVD is the first of its kind to show how to identify and correct muscle imbalances, mobility restrictions, and stability problems.

Host Gray Cook is a physical therapist and sports conditioning expert who has proven the effectiveness of his approach through the performances of athletes in the NFL, NBA, NHL, WNBA, and Reebok® University's sports training system. Cook's methods detect where conditioning is breaking down and reveals how to get your body back on track. Included in the DVD are five assessment tests to help you find the imbalances in movement patterns, sample corrective exercises to improve mobility and stability, and ways to integrate these exercises into a regular training program. The tests include

-deep squat—assessing the mobility and stability of the hips, knees, and ankles

-hurdle steps—evaluating bilateral mobility and stability of the hips, knees, and ankles

-in-line lunge—determining hip mobility and stability, quadriceps flexibility, and ankle and knee stability on both sides of the body

-straight leg raise—gauging hamstring flexibility

-seated rotation—measuring uppertrunk stability during a combined upper- and lower-body movement

Move more efficiently and achieve real gains in performance with the Athletic Body in Balance DVD.

Human Kinetics DVDs are coded for universal playback and can be played in all regions of the world.

Gray Cook is a physical therapist, board certified in orthopedics. He also is a certified strength coach with experience in several sports at the youth, college, and professional levels. Cook is a nationally recognized lecturer and consultant to the NFL, NBA, NHL, and WNBA as well as numerous college sports medicine and conditioning facilities. His innovative research and applied work are found in many rehabilitation and conditioning publications.

Cook is the director of orthopedic and sports physical therapy at Dunn, Cook & Associates. He also serves as the creative director of sport-specific training for Reebok® and is the first Reebok® master coach.

Cook received his graduate degree in physical therapy education at the University of Miami School of Medicine with a focus on orthopedics and sports rehabilitation and research in motor learning. He is a faculty member of the North American Sports Medicine Institute and is the codeveloper of the course titled Functional Exercise Training and Rehabilitation. He lives in his hometown of Danville, Virginia.


  • DVD Video
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