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Assessments for Sport and Athletic Performance Online CE Exam With Print Book

$124.95 CAD

Online Exam With Print Book
$124.95 CAD
Online Exam With Ebook
$96.95 CAD

Online Exam Without Book
$82.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781718226791


Approved Credits:

ACSM 6.00AEA 6.00AFPA 6.00BCRPA 12.00BOC 6.50canfitpro 4.00CATA 2.40CFES 12.00CKA 6.00Contact Hours 6.00COPSKT 0.60CSEP 5.00FNB 6.00ISSA 6.00NASN 0.60NCSF 3.00NFPT 1.20NSCA 0.70NSFA 6.00NSPA 6.00OFC 6.00SKESA 12.00SPRA 12.00
This package includes the following:
  • Assessments for Sport and Athletic Performance book
  • Online continuing education exam
Assessments for Sport and Athletic Performance is a streamlined guide through the process of performance-based evaluation. You’ll learn to identify appropriate tests for individual athletes and clients, making use of common low-cost equipment to administer the tests, interpret data, adjust training programs based on the results, and continually monitor training to maximize athletic performance.

For each assessment, the text walks you through a step-by-step process and includes a script of directions to give the athlete or client being tested to ensure each test is performed correctly. You’ll find a variety of protocols that do not require complicated equipment and can be conveniently conducted in your normal training environment. You’ll be able to assess your athletes or clients in the following areas:
  • Anthropometrics and body composition
  • Flexibility and balance
  • Agility and sprinting
  • Power
  • Muscular strength and endurance
  • Cardiorespiratory fitness
  • External and internal training load
  • Perceptual well-being and physical readiness
In addition, each assessment is accompanied by normative data to set baseline evaluations and to monitor progress over time. As a refreshing break from the typical complex tables, the normative data are displayed in modern, simplified figures that make it easy to quickly evaluate test results.

After reading the book, certified professionals can take the companion CE exam to earn continuing education credits.

Learning Objectives
  • Identify appropriate testing protocols for individuals or teams.
  • Explain how often to administer tests.
  • Describe how to select and use common low-cost equipment to administer tests.
  • Interpret test data and associated normative data to evaluate test results.
  • Explain how to adjust training programs based on test results.
  • Describe how to monitor a client’s or athlete’s training program.


Strength and conditioning coaches, personal trainers, athletic trainers, and other certified fitness professionals.

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