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Aquatic Fitness Professional Manual 8th Edition Ebook With HKPropel Access

$72.95 CAD

Ebook With Online Resource
$72.95 CAD
Paperback With Online Resource
$96.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781718235168


Page Count: 416

Access Duration: 84 Months

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Water exercise is a proven fitness activity with health and well-being benefits for all age groups, abilities, and fitness levels. As such, it is one of the most popular fitness trends among those seeking effective reduced-impact options for group exercise, small-group training, personal sessions, and rehabilitation therapy. As the primary preparation resource for the certification exam of the Aquatic Exercise Association (AEA) and a recommended resource for the certification exam of the Aquatic Therapy & Rehab Institute (ATRI), Aquatic Fitness Professional Manual, Eighth Edition, is the most comprehensive resource available to help you design and lead effective exercise sessions in the pool.

With contributions from 23 industry experts, Aquatic Fitness Professional Manual covers the foundations of fitness and exercise, the aquatic environment, and instruction and programming. You will learn how to energize your teaching with techniques based on popular fitness formats—such as functional training, yoga, boot camp, Ai Chi, circuits, and intervals—and programs for various chronic conditions. You’ll also find updated information on shallow- and deep-water exercise.

Presenting a new full-color format and updates that reflect the latest research and exercise guidelines, the eighth edition also incorporates the following:
  • AEA standards and guidelines for aquatic fitness programming
  • Expanded guidelines for working with special populations and those with health conditions, including dementia and autism spectrum disorder
  • Facts about the benefits of exercise on cognitive health and programming ideas for cognitive fitness training
  • A new section on diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility
For those preparing for the AEA Aquatic Fitness Professional certification exam, you’ll find a detailed glossary and index, key chapter concepts at the beginning of each chapter, and a summary and review questions at the conclusion of each chapter to help you study. Additionally, downloadable resources delivered online through HKPropel include practical tools such as instructor worksheets and sample class formats.

Nowhere else will you find the fitness applications and comprehensive programming you need in one convenient resource. Aquatic Fitness Professional Manual will not only help you in preparing for certification but also aid you in cultivating the critical skills needed to lead safe, enjoyable, and effective aquatic exercise programs.

Note: A code for accessing HKPropel is included with this ebook.


A reference for Aquatic Exercise Association (AEA) members, AEA-certified professionals, aquatic exercise instructors, aquatic therapy and rehab professionals, and fitness instructors; a resource for individuals preparing for the AEA Aquatic Fitness Professional certification exam.

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