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Aquatic Exercise Toolbox-Updated Edition

$95.48 CAD $190.95 CAD

$95.48 CAD

ISBN: 9780736065153


Every busy aquatic therapy professional would like to spend less time organizing at poolside and more time providing client and patient care.

When you open the Aquatic Exercise Toolbox, Updated Edition, you'll find a complete system for creating, tracking, and billing individualized exercise programs that will quickly free up your valuable time.

This innovative tool is built around 197 water-resistant cards, each depicting a frequently used aquatic exercise. You can use these cards in combination with peel-off images of aquatic equipment (also provided) to help clients see exactly how exercises should be performed.

The components are packaged in a durable, easy-to-carry box and include the following:
-Water-resistant exercise cards. Laminated and reproducible, these 197 5 x 6.5 cards simplify the creation of individualized routines.

-Peel-off equipment cards. Affix these images of 10 different kinds of aquatic equipment to the exercise cards as needed for a unique visual learning tool. (Each of the 10 equipment cards contains 15 peel-off images in an assortment of sizes and views, making these very versatile.)

-Tab dividers. A great way to organize the exercise cards by category for quick and easy retrieval.

-Dry-erase marker. Allows you to easily jot down and erase instructions and other notes on the cards.

-CD-ROM. Print out this 62-page Reference Manual and User's Guide that includes helpful tips for developing programs, copies of the exercise and peel-off equipment cards, and more (available in Adobe Acrobat Reader format).
Aquatic Exercise Toolbox, Updated Edition, is the brainchild of three professionals who have spent many years teaching in the water, attempting to draw their own “stick figure” illustrations, and standing over the copy machine. It has been tested, tweaked, and proven to work in the real world of aquatic therapy and will quickly become an indispensable part of your everyday job, both in and out of the pool.

Minimum System Requirements (Windows)

-IBM PC compatible with Pentium processor, or higher

-Windows 9.x/NT 4.0 Service Pack 3/ME/2000/XP

-Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0

-At least 16MB RAM with 32 MB recommended

-2x CD-ROM drive

-15 MB hard drive space

-Inkjet or laser printer (optional)

-256 colors

-VGA color monitor

Minimum System Requirements (Mac)

-Power Mac required

-System 9.x

-Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0

-16 MB RAM

-2x CD-ROM drive

-15 MB hard drive space

-Inkjet or laser printer (optional)

-256 colors

-VGA color monitor



Reference for aquatic exercise specialists; physical, occupational, and recreation therapists and assistants; athletic trainers; and rehabilitation nurses.

Introduction: Using the Aquatic Exercise Toolbox
Chapter 1. Aquatic Therapy and Aquatic Exercise
Chapter 2. Physical Properties of Water
Chapter 3. Fear of Water
Chapter 4. Shallow Water and Deep Water
Chapter 5. Balance
Chapter 6. Mobility and Gait
Chapter 7. Strength and Endurance Training
Chapter 8. Flexibility and Range of Motion
Chapter 9. Progression Variables
Chapter 10. Posture
Chapter 11. Supplemental Techniques
Chapter 12. Aquatic Equipment
Chapter 13. Documentation of Aquatic Therapy
Chapter 14. Informational Resources for the Aquatic Professional

Appendix A. List of Exercise Cards
Appendix B. List of Aquatic Equipment Cards (Overlays)

About the Authors

Harriet Purcell Adams has taught aquatics and swimming for nine years and is the owner of Integrated Therapy, LLC, an outpatient aquatic physical therapy clinic. This passionate educator has provided instruction for many national nonprofit organizations and was the first person to receive endorsement from the American Physical Therapy Association for continuing education courses. A sought-after consultant, she shares her aquatic expertise with schools, hospitals, and aquatic equipment companies. Harriet regularly writes articles on aquatic therapy and is an energetic entrepreneur. She owns Aquatic Consultants of Georgia, Inc., and founded the Southeastern Aquatic Therapy Conference in 1997. She earned a bachelor's degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and completed the physical therapist assistant program at Gwinnett Technical Institute.

Charlotte Owen Norton is a physical therapist, athletic trainer, and accomplished aquatic physical therapist who has been active in the field since 1991. A researcher, public speaker, educator, and writer, Dr. Norton recently coauthored The Team Approach to the Aquatic Continuum of Care, the first book to define this multidisciplinary field. She received the Aquatic Therapy and Rehab Institute's Tsunami Spirit Award in 1997 and the Doctorate of Physical Therapy Spirit Award in 1996. This internationally known aquatic expert was an athletic trainer for the United States Olympic Swimming Team in 1992 and the Paralympics in 1996. Dr. Norton earned her doctorate of physical therapy from Creighton University.

Helen Mautz Tilden has taught and developed aquatic programs since 1981 and continues to greatly influence the field of aquatic therapy today. Helen was appointed to the task force to revise the aquatic training manuals for the Arthritis Foundation and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, providing especially valuable input based on her perspective as a registered nurse. She also has developed a variety of aquatic programs and videos. Helen is a creative instructor trainer and trainer of trainers who received the Aquatic Exercise Association's prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award in 1994.