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Applied Health Fitness Psychology Online CE Course With Ebook

$129.95 CAD

Online Course With Ebook
$129.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781718222830


Approved Credits:

This package includes the following:
  • Applied Health Fitness Psychology ebook
  • Online study guide
  • Online continuing education exam

Applied Health Fitness Psychology Online CE Course provides insight into psychological motivational theories and models of exerciser behavior. You'll be armed with information to help your clients establish and maintain positive attitudes, emotions, and behaviors that promote physical activity and a healthy lifestyle. Barriers to positive health behavior plus personal, situational, cultural, spiritual, and environmental factors are discussed, along with chapters addressing fitness counseling specific to special populations, dysfunctional eating behaviors, and professional ethics. Learn strategies for health behavior interventions, exercise compliance and adherence, cognitive and behavioral strategies, exercise goal setting, and leadership.

The study guide includes learning activities, a case study, and an answer key to assist professionals in retention of the information presented in the text.

Once you complete the course and pass the exam, you can print a certificate for continuing education credits.

Learning Objectives
After completing this course, you will be able to do the following:
  • Define and differentiate among the concepts of applied health psychology, fitness psychology, and exercise psychology.
  • Explain the process of replacing negative habits with healthier routines.
  • List the factors that reduce and improve an exerciser’s motivation.
  • Differentiate between stress and anxiety.
  • Outline the physical, cognitive, and emotional obstacles to changing unhealthy behavior patterns.
  • Identify the differences among personality traits, styles or orientations, and behavioral tendencies and know which are susceptible to change and which are not.
  • Understand the role of culture in maintaining health-promoting rituals and the implication of those cultural rituals for health professionals.
  • Identify the types of exercise adherence and compliance. 
  • Explain the reasons why some people begin and maintain an exercise program while others drop out.
  • Set goals and teach proper goal-setting techniques to clients.
  • Determine the unique needs of various special populations that separate them from the so-called normal population when engaging in regular physical activity.
  • Provide strategies for eating more responsibly and strategically to improve energy, physical performance, and weight control.
  • List the ethical issues that are common in most professional organizations.


Health and fitness professionals seeking strong wellness communication techniques and psychological insights, including wellness coaches, dietitians, athletic trainers, physical therapists, and personal trainers.
Part I. Theoretical Foundations of Health Fitness Psychology
Chapter 1. Introduction to Applied Health Fitness Psychology
Chapter 2. Psychological Motivation Theories
Chapter 3. Theories and Models of Exercise Behavior 

Part II. Factors That Influence Health Behavior
Chapter 4. Barriers to Positive Health Behavior
Chapter 5. Personal Factors 
Chapter 6. Situational and Environmental Factors 
Chapter 7. Cultural, Religious, and Spiritual Components

Part III. Strategies for Health Behavior Interventions
Chapter 8. Exercise Adherence and Compliance 
Chapter 9. Cognitive and Behavioral Strategies
Chapter 10. Fitness Goal Setting and Leadership

Part IV. Professional Considerations
Chapter 11. Fitness Consulting With Special Populations
Chapter 12. Dysfunctional Eating Behaviors
Chapter 13. Professional Organizations and Ethics
Mark H. Anshel, PhD, is a professor in the department of health and human performance with a joint appointment in the psychology department at Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro. He is the author of more than 135 research publications, four fitness books, and multiple editions of the text Sport Psychology: From Theory to Practice. His research since 2007 has concerned the effectiveness of a cognitive-behavioral model on exercise participation and adherence called the disconnected values model. Anshel is recognized as an international leader in providing evidence-based programs and linking research with practice in exercise and fitness psychology and sport psychology.

Over the course of his career, Anshel has gained hands-on experience consulting with more than 3,000 clients on healthy habits, particularly the use of exercise. His practical career experience began with seven years as a fitness director in community recreation. From 2000 to 2002 Anshel was a performance coach at the Human Performance Institute in Orlando, Florida, where he provided corporate clients with a cognitive-behavioral program on replacing unhealthy habits with more desirable lifestyle routines. He also was a performance consultant and researcher related to improving wellness and coping skills with the Murfreesboro Police Department from 2005 to 2011.    

In 2009, Anshel received the Distinguished Research Scholar Award from Middle Tennessee State University. He is a fellow of the American Psychological Association (Division 47, Exercise and Sport Psychology). He is founder and director of the Middle Tennessee State University Employee Health and Wellness Program, which received grant funding of $130,000 over two years. Anshel also served for 10 years on the editorial board of the Journal of Sport Behavior. 

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Larissa Rettger
Very informative book

As I work in the field of Health and Wellness and specifically with those struggling in mental health issues I have greatly enjoyed and benefited from taking this course and reading the literature provided. Highly recommend.