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Alpine Skiing PDF

Author: Ronald Kipp

$20.95 CAD

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$13.47 CAD

ISBN: 9781492576488


Page Count: 224

Access Duration: 10 Years

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In Alpine Skiing, Ronald Kipp, alpine sport education manager for the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Association, introduces novice skiers to the basics of the sport, assists intermediate skiers in refining skills, and advises experts in specialized situations. He prepares you for your adventure with information on conditioning, selecting equipment, and familiarizing yourself with the skiing environment. You’ll then find easy-to-follow instruction on skiing fundamentals, such as the wedge turn, the christie and edging skills, parallel turns, and dynamic parallel skiing. You will also find additional guidance on the more challenging moguls, powder skiing, tree skiing, and racing slopes.

Throughout the book Kipp shares consumer, technique, and safety tips collected from his years of experience as both a skier and an instructor. He also provides valuable information on travel and trip planning, including choosing a ski area and accommodations, packing, and flying with your gear. Lists of websites will help you find ski instructors and organizations, shop for equipment and gear, and plan trips around the world.

Alpine Skiing is part of the Outdoor Adventures series, which provides you with the essential information on basic techniques and skills so you can be on your way to an adventure in no time.