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Aging, Exercise, and Cognition Series Package

$172.95 CAD

$172.95 CAD

ISBN: 9780736093934


Page Count: 808

Human Kinetics’ Aging, Exercise, and Cognition series presents advanced research and key issues for understanding and researching the links between exercise, aging, and cognition. The three volumes in this series are essential references for cognitive gerontologists, medical and health science researchers, exercise science researchers and professionals, and public health administrators interested in scientific evidence demonstrating the beneficial effects of regular physical activity on cognitive functioning and general health during aging.


In Active Living, Cognitive Functioning, and Aging, internationally known experts present state-of-the-art findings related to exercise and cognitive functioning of older adults. The book’s review of research on pertinent issues in measurement and physiological mechanisms will raise consciousness among researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and the public about the beneficial effects of an active lifestyle on the mind during the aging process. 


Exercise and Its Mediating Effects on Cognition shows that although many factors contribute to a healthy mind, an active lifestyle provides positive contributions to the cognitive functioning of the aging brain. The text examines how physical activity can indirectly affect cognitive function by influencing mediators—such as sleep quality, nutrition, disease states, anxiety, and depression—that affect physical and mental resources for cognition. This volume also identifies and studies key sources of individual variations in exercise and cognitive processes.


Enhancing Cognitive Functioning and Brain Plasticity offers a synergistic view of the complex role of exercise, physical activity, and intellectual stimulation in the cognitive and brain functioning of older adults.The text examines exercise and nonexercise interventions shown to influence cognition and brain plasticity in elderly humans and older animals, and it explains how state-of-the-art neuroimaging measures are used in the study of individual differences in cognition and brain functioning.