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Age Strong Online CE Exam With Print Book

$124.95 CAD

Online Exam With Print Book
$124.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781718227866


Approved Credits:

This package includes the following:
  • Age Strong book
  • Online continuing education exam
In Age Strong: A Woman’s Guide to Feeling Athletic and Fit After 40, internationally renowned personal trainer Rachel Cosgrove demonstrates how women moving toward and through menopause can increase metabolism, lose body fat, decrease osteoporosis risk, boost stamina, and increase self-confidence. You’ll read about real clients of the author and how they built muscle and confidence through strength training. Get detailed instructions, accompanied by full-color photos, on safe performance of 73 traditional strength exercises and 41 mobility and warm-up movements that will help strengthen the core, lower body, and upper body and help develop power.

You’ll get access to the step-by-step plan that’s worked for hundreds of women who have maintained their athleticism in their 40s, their 50s, and beyond. Start with the base phase of the program to address common imbalances and learn how to master basic movements. Then, bump up the intensity a bit with the build phase before moving on to the stronger phase, in which you’ll help clients build volume as they increase the number of reps and load for select exercises. The final phase, age strong, explains how to work up to suggested strength standards for exercises such as push-ups, squats, and deadlifts.

After reading the book, certified professionals can take the companion CE exam to earn continuing education credits.

Learning Objectives
  • Describe the importance of strength training in your 40s and beyond.
  • Describe the roles of hormones as a woman ages and how hormone levels are affected by activity, nutrition, sleep, and lifestyle.
  • Identify habits that can help or hinder progress in developing strength.
  • Explain how to set goals that are realistic and take into account the changes that occur as a result of perimenopause and menopause.
  • Describe the importance of tracking improvements and habits as part of an effective strength training program.
  • Demonstrate exercises that focus on full-body movements to increase strength and longevity.
  • Create and implement fitness programs that support hormonal health.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of fitness principles and the techniques behind each phase of the Age Strong program.


Certified fitness and strength professionals who work with women in their 40s through 60s who want to remain athletic and strong as they get older.
Part I. Strength Training in Your 40s and Beyond
Chapter 1. Why Strength Train?
Chapter 2. The Cardio Conundrum
Chapter 3. Lifestyle Habits

Part II. Prepare for Positive Change
Chapter 4. Set Powerful Goals
Chapter 5. Eliminate Your Excuses
Chapter 6. Manage Menopause
Chapter 7. Record Your Progress

Part III. The Exercises
Chapter 8. Warm-Up
Chapter 9. Core
Chapter 10. Upper Body
Chapter 11. Lower Body
Chapter 12. Power Development, Finishers, and Metabolic Intervals

Part IV. The Age Strong Program
Chapter 13. Program Principles
Chapter 14. The Base Phase
Chapter 15. The Build Phase
Chapter 16. The Stronger Phase
Chapter 17. The Age Strong Phase
Chapter 18. Metabolic Interval Workouts
Rachel Cosgrove, CSCS, has been the co-owner of Results Fitness with her husband, Alwyn Cosgrove, for over 20 years. Located in Southern California, it was voted one of the top 10 gyms in the United States by Men’s Health magazine for three years in a row.

Cosgrove earned her bachelor’s degree in physiology, with an emphasis on exercise and health, from the University of California–Santa Barbara. She holds the Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) credential from the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) and is certified as a U.S. Olympic weightlifting coach and as a U.S. triathlon coach. She taught the very first USA Obstacle Course Racing Level 1 certification course at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in 2019. In addition to being one of the first people certified by the International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN), she has the Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach certification from the prestigious CHEK Institute and Precision Nutrition. She also holds the Russian Kettlebell certification, the Ultimate Sandbag certification, and the Functional Movement Screen certification.

Named IDEA Personal Trainer of the Year (2012), Cosgrove has been a featured expert in a number of magazines, including Women’s Health, Muscle and Fitness Hers, Oxygen, Shape, Men’s Health, More, Real Simple, Women’s World, U.S. News & World Report, and Men’s Fitness. She has also appeared on Fox, WGN, ABC, NBC, and the Dr. Oz show, and she was a spokesperson for Secret deodorant. She is a sought-after presenter at national and international conferences and events. She is the author of The Female Body Breakthrough and the Women’s Health–branded book Drop Two Sizes. She has also served on the advisory board for Women’s Health and and worked as a consultant for Nike.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Kimberley Nocita
Age strong review

After some time to reflect on the material, I found the book unsatisfactory. The author described only one way to be stronger and healthier. I was very disappointed with the content