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Advanced Cardiovascular Exercise Physiology-2nd Edition

$166.95 CAD

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$166.95 CAD

ISBN: 9781492593812


Page Count: 256

Advanced Cardiovascular Exercise Physiology, Second Edition, systematically details the effects of acute and chronic exercise training on each component of the cardiovascular system: the heart, the vasculature, and the blood (including blood clotting factors). Students and professionals working within exercise science and related health professions will gain a comprehensive understanding of the cardiovascular system and learn how to apply this knowledge to their work.

Advanced Cardiovascular Exercise Physiology, Second Edition, highlights the complex interaction of the components of the cardiovascular system, both at rest and during exercise. Using the latest scientific and medical research, this text presents an engaging discussion of cardiovascular responses and adaptions to both aerobic and resistance exercise training, and it offers readers possible future directions for research. Specific attention is paid to the beneficial effects of exercise and the mechanisms through which regular exercise promotes cardioprotection. The second edition incorporates new topics and expanded information on the following:
  • Ventricular hypertrophy
  • Central blood pressure and its measurement
  • Pathophysiology of arterial stiffness and relevant measurement techniques
  • Blood pressure during exercise and its clinical importance
  • The effects of prolonged acute exercise on cardiac arterial and hemostatic function
  • Endothelial function, including the impact of aging and sex, and potential mechanisms
  • An individual’s response and adaptation to both resistance training and aerobic training
The second edition of Advanced Cardiovascular Exercise Physiology uses a larger format to showcase its richly illustrated contents. Updated figures and graphics visually elucidate physiological mechanisms to depict exercise responses and training adaptations. Each chapter begins with chapter objectives and ends with a summary to help students retain important content. Fifteen case studies are included in the text to showcase the application of chapter material. Key terms are boldfaced throughout the text and are defined at the end of each chapter. In addition, sidebars describe real-world examples and applications.

This text is divided into two sections. The first section offers a concise explanation of the structure and function of each component of the cardiovascular system. In the second section, readers encounter a detailed discussion of the acute and chronic effects of aerobic and resistance exercise on cardiac function, vascular function, and hemostatic variables.

Advanced Cardiovascular Exercise Physiology, Second Edition, provides a framework for understanding how the components of the cardiovascular system cooperate to support exercise and how those components adapt to and benefit from a systematic program of exercise training.


Text for graduate or advanced undergraduate exercise physiology courses studying the effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system. Reference for researchers, exercise and sports medicine specialists, health care professionals, and clinicians.
Section I. Cardiovascular Physiology

Chapter 1. Essentials of the Cardiovascular System
Components of the Cardiovascular System
Cardiovascular Responses to Exercise

Chapter 2. The Heart as a Pump
Gross Anatomy of the Heart
Cardiac Cycle
The Ventricular Pressure–Volume Loop
Cardiac Output
Distribution of Cardiac Output
Coronary Blood Supply
Measuring Cardiac Function

Chapter 3. Cardiac Myocytes
Microscopic Anatomy of Cardiac Myocytes
Excitation–Contraction Coupling
Mechanisms of Contraction
Metabolic Requirements

Chapter 4. Electrical Activity of the Heart
Ion Basis of Electrical Activity
Resting Membrane Potential
Action Potential
Conduction System of the Heart
Autorhythmicity of Conduction Cells
Pacemakers of the Heart
Control of Heart Rate
Brain- and Receptor-Mediated Heart Rate Control Mechanisms
Heart Rate Variability

Chapter 5. The Electrocardiogram
The ECG Tracing
Measuring the ECG
Measuring Heart Rate
Cardiac Rhythms
Conduction Blocks
Ventricular Hypertrophy
ST-Segment Changes (Ischemia)
Myocardial Infarction
Test Considerations
Common ECG Changes in Athletes

Chapter 6. Hemodynamics and Peripheral Circulation
The Pressure Differential
Flow Velocity
Poiseuille’s Law
Blood Flow
Arterial Blood Pressure
Pulse Waves and Wave Reflections
Blood Pressure Measurement
Control of Vasoconstriction and Vasodilation
Reflex Control of Blood Pressure and Vasomotion
Measurement of Blood Pressure and Pulse Wave Analysis

Chapter 7. Vascular Structure and Function
Structure of Blood Vessels
Vascular Network
Endothelium Regulation of Vascular Tone
Vascular Smooth Muscle
Measuring Endothelial and Vascular Function

Chapter 8. Hemostasis: Coagulation and Fibrinolysis
Vascular Injury
Fibrinolysis—Clot Dissolution
Assessing Hemostasis

Section II. Exercise Physiology

Chapter 9. Cardiovascular Responses to Acute Aerobic Exercise
Cardiac Responses
Vascular Response
Hemostatic Responses

Chapter 10. Cardiovascular Adaptations to Aerobic Training
Cardiac Dimensions
Cardiac Function
Vascular Adaptations
Hemostatic Adaptations

Chapter 11. Cardiovascular Responses to Acute Resistance Exercise
Cardiac Responses
Vascular Responses
Hemostatic Responses

Chapter 12. Cardiovascular Adaptations to Resistance Training
Cardiac Adaptations
Vascular Function
Hemostatic Adaptations With Resistance Training
Denise L. Smith, PhD, is the Tisch Family Distinguished Professor in the department of health and human physiological sciences and the director of the First Responder Health and Safety Laboratory at Skidmore College. She also holds an appointment as a research scientist at the University of Illinois Fire Service Institute. For nearly three decades, Smith has conducted scientific research on cardiovascular responses to exercise, with a focus on the physiological strain associated with heat and occupational stressors in firefighters. She has led several federally funded research projects investigating the intersection of cardiovascular disease and the cardiovascular strain of firefighting. Smith has conducted over 40 fatality investigations of firefighters who died in the line of duty due to cardiovascular causes.

Smith has published over 100 peer-reviewed scientific papers, coauthored Exercise Physiology for Health, Fitness and Performance, and contributed chapters to several textbooks. She has collaborated extensively with fire service organizations, has served in leadership roles in the American College of Sports Medicine, and is a member of the American Physiological Society and the American Heart Association. She has received multiple awards, including the Dr. John Granito Award for Excellence in Fire Leadership and Management Research and NIOSH’s Alice Hamilton Award for Excellence in Occupational Safety and Health.

Bo Fernhall, PhD, is a professor of kinesiology and nutrition in the College of Applied Health Sciences at the University of Illinois at Chicago, where he founded the Integrative Physiology Laboratory and co-developed the physical therapy faculty clinic. Fernhall has nearly 40 years of experience in cardiovascular research, with a current focus on how exercise and diet affect heart, arterial, and autonomic function. He also directed cardiovascular rehabilitation programs for over 20 years, combining research and clinical experience.

Fernhall is a fellow of the American Heart Association, the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation, and the American College of Sports Medicine. He was elected to the National Academy of Kinesiology in 2005, and he currently serves as president-elect of the organization. He has won several national research awards, including the G. Lawrence Rarick Research Award in 2006 for his research on the benefits of exercise in people with disabilities. Fernhall has published over 370 peer-reviewed manuscripts in scientific journals and has contributed to several books and book chapters. He serves as an associate editor for Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews and is an editorial board member of Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.

All ancillaries are free to adopting instructors through HKPropel.

Case study answers. Features questions for the 15 case studies presented in the book, along with sample answers.

Test package. Contains questions in true-false, fill-in-the-blank, essay and short-answer, and multiple-choice formats. The files may be downloaded for integration with a learning management system or printed for use as paper-based tests.

Image bank. Includes the figures and tables from the text, sorted by chapter. These can be used in developing a customized presentation based on specific course requirements.

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