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Administration of Intercollegiate Athletics 2nd Edition epub

$103.95 CAD

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$103.95 CAD
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ISBN: 9781718213029


Page Count: 352

Access Duration: 10 Years

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The dynamic world of collegiate sports has seen seismic changes since the previous edition of Administration of Intercollegiate Athletics was published. Conference realignments; name, image, and likeness (NIL) advancements; multibillion-dollar media rights deals; expanded bowl games and tournaments; and big-money corporate sponsorships have all been arisen out of the burgeoning popularity of college sports.

The growing complexities of the sport administrator’s role necessitate a college text that reflects the times. And that’s exactly what Administration of Intercollegiate Athletics, Second Edition, does. Some of the most informed and experienced professionals in the field of athletics administration have lent their expertise to the updated second edition, making it the most comprehensive resource available today for students aspiring to work in the field and for professionals navigating an increasingly demanding environment.

The text offers students a deep dive into the day-to-day operations of collegiate athletics departments. With chapters covering governing bodies and conference governance; leadership and management; rules compliance; academics, eligibility, and student-athlete development; media relations and production; financial operations and budgeting; marketing, ticketing, licensing, and sponsorships; facility and event management; alumni relations; and support services, the text provides students with the essential underpinnings of an athletics administration position.

New to this edition is a chapter dedicated to diversity, equity, and inclusion to provide broader discussions of athlete social justice activism, gender equity, Title IX compliance, feminist theory, and allyship. In addition, the second edition discusses the rise of NIL deals, legalized sports wagering, and esports, as well as the lasting financial impacts of COVID-19 on athletics departments at all levels of intercollegiate sport.

While Division I schools grab the spotlight, administrators in Division II, Division III, junior colleges, and National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) athletics departments share the same responsibilities as their Division I counterparts. Throughout the text, Administration of Intercollegiate Athletics, Second Edition, takes care to address the needs and concerns of administrators at these levels, even more so than in the previous edition.

New and updated features include Leadership Lesson sidebars, discussion questions, learning activities, and case studies designed to enhance learning and provide practical application of the concepts presented. Also included are Industry Profile sidebars that highlight prominent athletics administrators, Technology Tools sidebars that showcase the latest advancements assisting administrators in their roles, and Professional Development sidebars that provide students with direction on how to enter and succeed in the industry.

Administration of Intercollegiate Athletics, Second Edition, is an essential textbook for courses on intercollegiate athletics, sport management, or sport marketing and is a relied-on resource for current sport administrators.


Textbook for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in sport management courses; reference for athletics administrators or anyone interested in the complex dynamics of intercollegiate athletics.

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