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Active Living After School: A How-to Guide for After School Programs

Author: PHE Canada

$22.37 CAD $34.95 CAD

Spiral bound
$22.37 CAD

ISBN: 9781492593935


Page Count: 168

Active Living After School: A How-To Guide for After-School Programs has been designed to be a convenient one-stop resource that highlights the critical elements of a successful after-school program and provides information and practical tips for ensuring that physical activity and healthy eating are integral components of your program. The resource provides information related to the following topics:
  • Community connections
  • Funding
  • Program logistics
  • Leadership and training
  • Accessibility and inclusion for children with disabilities
  • Planning quality programs
  • Addressing barriers affecting specific target groups
  • Publicity and promotion
  • Physical activity and healthy eating activity ideas


After-school program leaders, teachers, and school administrators working to develop or improve an after-school program.

Part A. Introduction
Welcome to Active Living After School
How to Use This Guide
The Who, What, Where, and Why of Active Living After School

Part B. Ingredients for Success: Model
Community, Connections, and Relationships
Community Partnerships: A Four-Step Process
Step 1: Identify Needs
Step 2: Identify and Attract Potential Partners Through Community Mapping
Step 3: Establish a Partnership
Step 4: Evaluate the Partnership
Program Logistics
Licensing, Risk Management, and Liability
Health and Safety
Leadership and Training
Attract the Right Leaders
Screen Leaders
Train Leaders
Assess Leaders
Recognize and Celebrate Leaders
Planning Quality Programs
Program Plan
Weekly Plan
Activity Plan
Physical Activity and Healthy Eating
Physical Activity
Healthy Eating
Accessibility and Inclusion for Children and Youth With a Disability
The Importance of Inclusion for Children and Youth With a Disability
Eight Steps to Inclusion for Children and Youth With a Disability
Addressing the Barriers for Specific Target Groups
Girls and Young Women
Aboriginal Children and Youth
Multicultural Communities
Low-Income Families
Publicity and Promotion

Part C. Heart Beater Activities
Activity Modifications
Moderate Physical Activity Games
Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity Games
Vigorous Physical Activity Games

Part D. Healthy Eating Activities
Canada’s Food Guide
Food Groups
Making Healthy Decisions
Putting It All Together

Part E. Appendixes
Appendix 1: Partnership Sample Template
Appendix 2: Funding Sources
Appendix 3: Planning for Different Ages
Appendix 4: Program Plan Template
Appendix 5: Characteristics of Disabilities
Appendix 6: Practical Tips for Inclusion of Children and Youth With a Disability
Appendix 7: Tips on Creating Positive Programs for Girls and Young Women
Appendix 8: Ways to Promote and Publicize Your After-School Program
Appendix 9: Guidelines for Developing Promotional Materials

Physical & Health Education Canada (PHE Canada) is a national leader and vital contributor in fostering achievement and health among Canadian children and youth by supporting physical and health education and active living initiatives where children live, learn, and play. PHE Canada’s vision is a future wherein all children and youth in Canada live healthy, physically active lives.

Contributors: Active Living Alliance for Canadians with a Disability, Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity, Celine Charboneau, Jenny Cooper, HIGH FIVE, Kathy Hunt, Fern McCracken, Joanna Shepherd, PhD, Don Hutchison, Ken Lodewyk, PhD, Sharon May, Cheryl McCombe, Daniel Robinson, Anna Humphrey, Amber Muir, Megan Quinn, Laurissa Kenworthy.

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