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ACSM's Health/Fitness Facility Standards and Guidelines-5E

$60.98 CAD $124.95 CAD

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$60.98 CAD

ISBN: 9781492567189


Page Count: 232

ACSM’s Health/Fitness Facility Standards and Guidelines, Fifth Edition, presents the current standards and guidelines to help health and fitness establishments provide high-quality service and program offerings in a safe environment. Revised by an expert team of professionals with expertise in architecture, health and wellness, law, safety-related practices and policies, and the health and fitness club industry, this authoritative guide provides a blueprint for health and fitness facilities to elevate the standard of care they provide their members, as well as enhance their exercise experience.

The fifth edition includes 35 standards and 38 guidelines on the topics of preparticipation screening; orientation, education, and supervision of members; emergency planning and procedures; professional staff and independent contractors; operating procedures; facility design and construction; facility equipment; and signage. It also addresses the following:

• Developing policies related to the reporting of unlawful discrimination or harassment

• Serving individuals with special needs

• Training for and using automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in both staffed and unstaffed facilities

• Keeping up with changing directions and business models in the industry, including 24/7 fitness facilities, medically integrated facilities, and demographic-specific facilities

• Properly equipping facilities to care for children and young people

This easy-to-use reference will help managers and staff save time and expense with ready-to-use templates, including questionnaires, informed consent forms, and evaluation forms. The appendixes contain supplemental forms, including sample preventive maintenance schedules, checklists, and court and facility dimensions, and they point to sources that offer additional support materials for operating a facility.

Health and fitness facilities play an important role in providing opportunities for individuals to become and remain physically active. To help those facilities establish and maintain an exceptional standard of operation, client care, and service, the fifth edition of ACSM’s Health/Fitness Facility Standards and Guidelines should be on the bookshelf of every health and fitness facility manager and owner.


A resource for health and fitness club owners and operators to improve the quality and safety of their facilities; also a textbook for courses in facility management.

Chapter 1. Exercise Preparticipation Health Screening

Chapter 2. Member Orientation, Education, and Supervision

Chapter 3. Emergency Planning and Policies

Chapter 4. Professional Staff and Independent Contractors for Health/Fitness Facilities

Chapter 5. Health/Fitness Facility Operating Practices

Chapter 6. Health/Fitness Facility Design and Construction

Chapter 7. Health/Fitness Facility Equipment

Chapter 8. Signage in Health/Fitness Facilities

Appendix A. Blueprint for Excellence

Appendix B. Supplemental Materials

Appendix C. Forms

Appendix D. Trade and Professional Associations Involved in the Health/Fitness Facility Industry

Appendix E. About the American College of Sports Medicine

Appendix F. About the Editors

Appendix G. Suggested Resources

Appendix H. Reviewers

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), founded in 1954, is the largest sports medicine and exercise science organization in the world. With more than 50,000 members and certified professionals worldwide, ACSM is dedicated to improving health through science, education, and medicine. ACSM members work in a wide range of medical specialties, allied health professions, and scientific disciplines. Members are committed to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of sport-related injuries and the advancement of the science of exercise. The ACSM promotes and integrates scientific research, education, and practical applications of sports medicine and exercise science to maintain and enhance physical performance, fitness, health, and quality of life.