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2021 & 2022 NIRSA Flag & Touch Football Rules Book & Officials' Manual-20th Edition

Author: NIRSA

$7.98 CAD $15.95 CAD

$7.98 CAD

ISBN: 9781718208117


Page Count: 120

NIRSA supports leaders in collegiate recreation, with a membership serving over eight million students. The 20th edition of this classic guidebook from NIRSA provides the latest rule changes in flag and touch football.

The 2021 & 2022 NIRSA Flag & Touch Football Rules Book & Officials’ Manual highlights all the rules that have changed since the previous edition, making it easy to locate what is new or changed. Updated information for officials includes rules for Unified flag football and updated field diagrams that show a 30-yard line. The pocket size of the guide makes it easy to consult at games, whether you’re a coach, instructor, official, player, or fan of flag and touch football.

The manual also offers summaries of fouls and penalties, youth football rules, and 4 on 4 football rules, and it presents the 10 commandments for clinicians and observers. It contains detailed explanations of the following rules:

Rule 1. The Game, Field, Players, and Equipment
Rule 2. Definitions of Playing Terms
Rule 3. Periods, Time Factors, and Substitutions
Rule 4. Ball in Play, Dead Ball, and Out of Bounds
Rule 5. Series of Downs, Number of Downs, and Team Possession After Penalty
Rule 6. Kicking the Ball
Rule 7. Snapping, Handing, and Passing the Ball
Rule 8. Scoring Plays and Touchback
Rule 9. Conduct of Players and Others
Rule 10. Enforcement of Penalties

The officials’ portion is then presented in seven sections:

Part I. Officiating Basics
Part II. Game Administration
Part III. Officiating Responsibilities
Part IV. Communication
Part V. 3-Person Mechanics
Part VI. 4-Person Mechanics
Part VII. NIRSA Official Flag Football Signals

This easy-to-read rule book and officials’ manual reflects NIRSA’s continuing commitment to the development of flag and touch football and the organization’s efforts to keep training and officials’ manuals current and relevant. As such, this pocket guide is an essential resource for officials, coaches, and players connected to flag and touch football in various settings, from youth levels through collegiate levels.


Coaches, officials, instructors, players, and fans of flag and touch football.
NIRSA Flag & Touch Football Editorial Board
Dedication: Zach Gilbert
Moving Closer to a Standardized Football Code
Valuable Programming Tools
Official NIRSA Rules Book and Interpretations
Changes for 2021 and 2022
Flag & Touch Football Fundamentals

NIRSA Football Rules Book*
Rule 1. The Game, Field, Players, and Equipment
Rule 2. Definitions of Playing Terms
Rule 3. Periods, Time Factors, and Substitutions
Rule 4. Ball in Play, Dead Ball, and Out of Bounds
Rule 5. Series of Downs, Number of Downs, and Team Possession After Penalty
Rule 6. Kicking the Ball
Rule 7. Snapping, Handing, and Passing the Ball
Rule 8. Scoring Plays and Touchback
Rule 9. Conduct of Players and Others
Rule 10. Enforcement of Penalties
Fouls and Penalties Summary    
Unified Sports Rules Summary
Youth Football Rules Summary
4 on 4 Football Rules Summary
10 Commandments for Clinicians and Observers

NIRSA Football Officials’ Manual
Part I. Officiating Basics
Part II. Game Administration
Part III. Officiating Responsibilities
Part IV. Communication
Part V. 3-Person Mechanics
Part VI. 4-Person Mechanics
Part VII. NIRSA Official Flag Football Signals

Index to Rules
The NIRSA Flag Football Editorial Board is made up of numerous professionals and students who are responsible for implementing intramural programs for their participants. They work day to day with the intricacies of implementing a flag football program and are able to keep all the training materials up to date and relevant.

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