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Human Kinetics is your leader for books every fitness professional should read. Whether you're a certified personal trainer, fitness coach, or group fitness instructor, we've got the research-backed and science-based fitness textbooks and ebooks you need to deliver results. If you're preparing for a new fitness certification, you'll find resources and study courses to help with your certification preparation.

Prepare to work with special populations including people with chronic diseases, youth, and older adults. With expert advice on fitness programming the latest on fitness testing, you'll be ready to help your clients find success with their workouts and healthy lifestyles.

Our continuing education courses are designed for experienced fitness professionals, ready to grow your knowledge and expand your business, plus earn the CECs and CEUs you need to stay certified with top fitness organizations including canfitpro, BCRPA, CATA, CKA, CPTN, CSEP, and many other Provincial and National organizations.

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