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In the video below, Dr. Seth Jenny interviews Dr. Jennifer Krause about her experience with virtual observations, also called remote supervision, to connect with teachers or students who are teaching in the field. They discuss what virtual observations offer, what equipment and software are needed, and the challenges and solutions to consider when doing virtual observations. Learn from their experience from real situations of having used remote supervision.



Virtual Observations Vodcast - Technology for Physical Educators, Health Educators, & Coaches

Describes how to conduct a Virtual Observation (Remote Supervision). More info in Ch. 8 of new textbook: "Technology for Physical Educators, Health Educators...



Seth JennySeth Jenny teaches within the department of public health at Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania. When he’s not on campus, he is a volunteer coach for elementary cross country and track and field athletes. He also spends his spare time with his family and training for marathons, with a personal best of 2:48:30 (6:25 mile pace for 26.2 miles).


Jennifer Krauss Jennifer Krause is an associate professor of physical education and physical activity leadership (PEPAL) in the School of Sport and Exercise Science at the University of Northern Colorado (UNC). She enjoys being outside and hiking the many trails in Colorado.



Technology for Physical Educators, Health Educators, and Coaches With Web ResourceBoth Dr. Jenny and Dr. Krause are authors of Technology for Physical Educators, Health Educators, and Coaches With Web Resource, along with Dr. Tess Armstrong


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