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Implementing functional strength training in physical education programs, with Nate VanKouwenberg


February 7, 2025

Functional strength training is one of the most beneficial forms of fitness training, but it is often not included in secondary physical education curriculum. Certified Functional Strength Coach and physical education teacher Nate VanKouwenberg has used his knowledge to help educate other teachers in his district in New York and beyond. That is among the reasons he wrote, Functional Strength Training for Physical Education. He is doing his part to share his knowledge and express the importance of implementing functional strength training into physical education programs. In this episode, Nate discusses why it is important and gives tips on how to do it.

Functional Strength Training for Physical Education 

Nate VanKouwenberg, CFSC

Nate VanKouwenberg is a physical education teacher and strength and conditioning coordinator in the Victor Central School District in New York. Using his experience developing Victor's K-12 functional strength training curriculum, he has created a comprehensive professional development workshop for teachers, coaches, athletic directors, and college students called Functional Strength Training for PE. He has presented at countless conferences and school districts over the years to improve the quality of physical education fitness units and high school strength and conditioning programs. In addition, VanKouwenberg is the founder and owner of Next Level Strength and Conditioning in Rochester, New York. Since 2004, Next Level has helped a wide range of athletes and general fitness enthusiasts reach their goals. Aside from his role on the business and staff development side of Next Level, he also coaches their Pro Total Hockey Training group each summer. He served as the strength and conditioning coach for the Rochester Institute of Technology Division I men's hockey team for eight seasons.

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