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Dr. Robert Schinke: 8 Steps to Succeeding in Sport, Work, and Life


Dr. Robert Schinke, author of Gifted 8 steps to succeeding in sport, work, and life, discusses the value of realizing our gifts.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Dr. Robert Schinke is a professor of kinesiology and health sciences at Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. He is a distinguished professor in several high-profile international universities and a Canada Research Chair. He serves as a senior co-editor for the International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, and editor in chief of the Journal of Sport Psychology in Action.

After working with extensively with world-champion professional athletes as well as athletes at the Olympic games, he has developed a resource to expand his reach. Gifted: 8 Steps to Succeeding in Sport, Work and Life will help you unlock your potential by recognizing and embracing your innate talents and abilities. In this interview, Dr. Schinke discusses how Gifted will inspire you to believe in your own natural gifts and achieve excellence across all aspects of your life.


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