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Developing the Core with Jeff Willardson, PhD, CSCS

 Friday, September 27, 2024 

A strong core is vital and a necessity for elite-level athletes. Research has established a direct correlation between core strength, performance, and injury risk reduction. Dr. Jeff Willardson began focusing on various areas of strength and conditioning while a professor at Eastern Illinois University but became particularly interested in the benefits of training the core. In this interview, Dr. Willardson details some of those benefits and talks about the recently released NSCA Developing the Core, Second Edition. Willardson edited and contributed to the book.

Jeffrey M. Willardson, PhD, CSCS, *D

Jeff Willardson is an associate professor in the health and human performance department at Montana State University-Billings. He teaches biomechanics, exercise physiology, research methods in health and human performance, kinesiology, and foundations of exercise science. He received a PhD in curriculum and instruction, with an emphasis in exercise and wellness from Arizona State University in 2005 and was named the Outstanding Graduating Doctoral Scholar. He has co-authored over 120 scientific manuscripts examining different aspects of resistance training for improving health and athletic performance.

Developing the Core, Second Edition

Video version

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