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Developing Endurance with Ben Reuter, PhD

Friday, August 30, 2024

Ben Reuter realized early in his college athletic career that in order to keep pace with his teammates and competition, he needed to find ways to improve his endurance. After earning his master's degree from Old Dominion University and doctorate from Auburn University, he used his knowledge along with CSCS and ATC certifications to help others improve their performance. His most recent venture has been as editor and contributor of NSCA Developing Endurance, Second Edition. 

He joined this episode to discuss the growth of endurance sports including running, cycling, swimming, and obstacle course racing, how to improve your endurance for those sports, and the importance of choosing the right approach for your sport and needs. 


Developing Endurance, Second Edition

Ben Reuter, PhD, CSCS, *D, ATC

Instagram: @reutebh

X: @reutebh

Human Kinetics