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An Encyclopedia of Knowledge: Dr. Jim Stoppani discusses training methods for hypertrophy, strength, and fatloss


Friday, October 11, 2024

Dr. Jim Stoppani is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to the science of training. He has written thousands of articles on exercise, nutrition, and health, was a co-author for the New York Times best seller, LL Cool J's Platinum 360 Diet and Lifestyle, as well as author of Stronger Arms & Upper Body, PrayFit, and Essentials of Sports Nutrition and Supplements. This was all after earning degrees  and from University of Connecticut doing postdoctoral work at Yale University School of Medicine. In this episode, Dr. Stoppani discussed his extensive background from his first experiences training to learning from some of the best in the industry, and eventually writing his latest book, Jim Stoppani's Encyclopedia of Muscle and Strength. He breaks down the differences in training for hypertrophy, strength, and fat loss.


Disclaimer: There was a slight delay in recording that occasionally sounds like Jim and Aaron are talking over each other. This was an audio issue that was unable to be corrected after the recording.


Jim Stoppani, PhD

Jim Stoppani is a leading authority on exercise science, sport nutrition, and supplementation. He received his doctorate in exercise physiology with a minor in biochemistry from the University of Connecticut. After graduation, he served as a postdoctoral research fellow at Yale University School of Medicine, where he investigated the effects of exercise and diet on gene regulation in muscle tissue. For his research he was awarded the 2002 Gatorade Beginning Investigator in Exercise Science Award by the American Physiological Society. From 2002 to 2013, Stoppani was the senior science editor for Muscle and Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Flex magazines. He is the owner of JYM Supplement Science.


Connect with Dr. Jim Stoppani

Instagram: @jimstoppani

TikTok: @dr_jimstoppani

X: @JimStoppani


Jim Stoppani's Encyclopedia of Muscle and Strength, Third Edition

Available on the Human Kinetics website:


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