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Teacher Resource

The Teacher Web Resource contains the following:

  • Complete lesson plans; the first three lessons have a corresponding PowerPoint slide show
  • An answer key to all worksheets and quizzes
  • A test package that includes tests for each chapter; tests consist of multiple-choice, true-or-false, fill-in-the-blank, and short essay questions

All lesson plans and assessments support identified learning objectives. Daily lesson plans include these features:

  • Preparing the Lesson (lesson objectives and preparation)
  • Bell Ringer (a journal question for students, or a quiz or activity to begin class)
  • Lesson Focus (main points of the lesson paired with a student worksheet)
  • Lesson Application (main activity paired with a worksheet)
  • Reflection and Summary (lesson review)
  • Evaluate (student quiz or test or worksheet review)
  • Reinforcing the Lesson (Take It Home and Challenge activities)

Also, a special feature of this Teacher Web Resource addresses the need for some school districts to use sexual health education materials that have local approval. The Teacher Web Resource provides a chapter on Reproductive and Sexual Health as an optional supplement. This allows local districts the flexibility to use locally developed resources exclusively, or to use the supplemental chapter as part, or all, of their sexual health education program. This optional chapter on Reproductive and Sexual Health is only found within the protected-access Teacher Web Resource, so that local school systems can decide whether or not to give students access to this content.

Access to the Teacher Web Resource is free to schools who adopt the Health for Life student text and is granted by your Human Kinetics K-12 sales manager.