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20-Year Study Shows Fitness for Life Benefits

Watch this interview with Chuck Corbin, Arizona State University College of Health Solutions professor, as he highlights a study done 20 years after students participated in the Fitness for Life education program. Chuck describes how such programs help students take responsibility for their own physical activity, fitness, and health. The study asks the question of whether there is any long-term value to the fitness education approach in physical education. The findings supported that when students learn to make self-directed decisions, far more of them remain physically active and healthy throughout their adult lives.

Read more about the study that examines the benefits of Fitness for Life from this article that was published in the Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. 


Chuck is the senior author of several award-winning elementary, middle school, high school, and college texts, including Fitness for Life Six Edition; Fitness for Life: Middle School Second Edition; and Fitness for Life: Elementary School.

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