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Table of Contents


How to Use the Book and Web Resources

Unit I. Recognizing Your Movement Potential

Chapter 1. Surveying Your Body at Work
Lesson 1.1 Stand on Your Own Two Feet
Lesson 1.2 Body Mechanics: Matching Movement to Muscles and Bones
Lesson 1.3 Dancing at the Joint
Lesson 1.4 Personal Physical Survey

Chapter 2. Warming Up and Cooling Down
Lesson 2.1 Your Personal Warm-Up
Lesson 2.2 Dance Class Basics
Lesson 2.3 Stretch What You Strengthen and Cool Down

Chapter 3. Choosing a Dance Form That Suits You
Lesson 3.1 Determine Your Movement Preferences
Lesson 3.2 Recognize Your Physical Traits and Abilities
Lesson 3.3 Connect Your Physical Traits and Abilities With Movement Preferences

Chapter 4. Learning More Than Steps
Lesson 4.1 Develop Thinking Skills Through the Study of Dance
Lesson 4.2 Apply Dance Learning Strategies to Other Life Situations
Lesson 4.3 Explore Careers Beyond Performing

Unit II. Becoming a Dancer

Chapter 5. Diversifying Your Dance Training
Lesson 5.1 Apply Basic Techniques to All Dance Forms
Lesson 5.2 Experience Different Styles of Dance
Lesson 5.3 Hone Your Rehearsal and Performing Strategies

Chapter 6. Improving Your Skills
Lesson 6.1 Find Classes and Teachers That Meet Your Needs
Lesson 6.2 Share Your Knowledge
Lesson 6.3 Practice Makes Permanent

Unit III. Making Connections Through Dance

Chapter 7. Expressing Ideas and Emotions
Lesson 7.1 Dance as Nonverbal Communication
Lesson 7.2 Dance as a Report or Essay Without Words
Lesson 7.3 Dance as Social Commentary

Chapter 8. Exploring Dance as an Art Form
Lesson 8.1 Differences Between Everyday Movement and Dance
Lesson 8.2 Theatrical Dance
Lesson 8.3 Your Aesthetic Preferences

Chapter 9. Connecting to Community and Tradition
Lesson 9.1 Cultural Dance
Lesson 9.2 Historical Dance
Lesson 9.3 Social Dance

Unit IV. Becoming a Choreographer

Chapter 10. Creating Dances
Lesson 10.1 Choreographic Elements
Lesson 10.2 Choreographic Processes
Lesson 10.3 Choreographic Structures

Chapter 11. A Seven-Step Method for Choreography
Lesson 11.1 Choose Subject Matter and Explore Movement
Lesson 11.2 Coordinate Music and Movement, Explore Possibilities, Refine, and Memorize
Lesson 11.3 Add Finishing Touches and Perform

Chapter 12. Showcasing Your Work
Lesson 12.1 Costumes and Props
Lesson 12.2 Lighting, Scenery, and Sound
Lesson 12.3 Production Information and Time Line

Unit V. Refining Yourself as a Dance Artist

Chapter 13. Learning From the Works of Others
Lesson 13.1 View, Analyze, and Critique Others’ Works
Lesson 13.2 Learn From the Choreography of Others
Lesson 13.3 Improve Your Performance by Watching Others

Chapter 14. Sharing Your Art Form
Lesson 14.1 Create and Plan Presentations for Specific Settings
Lesson 14.2 Find Places to Share Your Presentation
Lesson 14.3 Give Back to Your Community

Chapter 15. Developing Your Portfolio, Résumé and Audition Skills
Lesson 15.1 Build Your Portfolio
Lesson 15.2 Create Your Résumé
Lesson 15.3 Prepare for Auditions


References and Resources
