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Teaching Tip: How to prepare to teach dance with an injury

By Ali Duffy, PhD, associate professor of dance at Texas Tech University and founder and artistic director of Flatlands Dance Theatre


How do you prepare to teach dance if you have an injury as a dance teacher? Here are a few ideas from an article I published in the Journal of Dance Education. I invite you to comment below about any strategies you use to prepare for dancing and teaching dance when you have an injury.




Learn more from Dr. Duffy in her book, Careers in Dance.


Careers in Dance


Ali DuffyPrior to her work in academia, Dr. Duffy performed internationally on Holland America cruise ships (RWS Entertainment) and for independent contemporary choreographers on both U.S. coasts. She has also taught and adjudicated for the National Dance Alliance and worked as a dance critic for World Dance Reviews. Her career in dance is endlessly supported by her wonderful family, and she is ever grateful for her brilliant husband, Carlos, and beautiful son, Noah.