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Review of Dance Cultures Around the World

By David Mead, choreographer, teacher and writer


In a review of Dance Cultures Around the World With HKPropel Access posted on SeeingDance, David Mead writes, "In their introduction, Frederiksen and Li Chang also make the very valid point that dance is not, as is often said, a universal language. Rather it is a universal way of communicating with many different languages. Just as you would not understand a foreign spoken language simply because it is human speech, so you should not expect to understand a dance language without some knowledge and translation. The authors provide that translation, revealing history and meaning, and the place of dance in the various societies."


Read the full review on SeeingDance.


Learn more about Dance Cultures Around the World With HKPropelLynn E. Frederiksen and Shih-Ming Li Chang, Editors


Dance Cultures Around the World