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Dance and Movement in Mental Health

Interview with Erica Hornthal, LCPC, BC-DMT, on Building America Now Podcast


Erica Hornthal, Human Kinetics author, was a guest on Building America Now with David Bolanos where she discussed her career as a dance & movement therapist,  why body movement is connected to mental health, and her Body Awareness for Mental Health Online Course.


Find her episode by scrolling down on this link to Erica Hornthal, Founder and CEO and Chicago Dance Therapy and learn about the language of movement and its role in behavior and thoughts.


To learn even more from Erica's expertise in improving mental health of K-12 students, teachers, and staff, check out Body Awareness for Mental Health Online Course


Body Awareness for Mental Health Online Course

Erica HornthalErica Hornthal, LCPC, BC-DMT, is a licensed clinical professional counselor and board-certified dance and movement therapist. Hornthal is the founder and CEO of Chicago Dance Therapy, a group practice founded in 2011. As an expert on the intersection of movement and mental health, her expertise include cognitive and movement disorders, neurologic conditions, anxiety and depression, PTSD, trauma, eating disorders, loss, and phase-of-life issues, including caregiving.