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Total Body Beautiful gift basket

Women experience changes as they get into their 30s and 40s. Those changes are both physical and emotional, and they affect the everyday lives of women going through perimenopause and menopause. The expert yoga and fitness team of Andrea Orbeck, Desi Bartlett, and Nicole Stuart put together a guide to help women experiencing those changes.

Andrea, Desi, and Nicole view their most recent release as a gift to women. Put together a basket designed for the woman in your life and pass that gift onto them. Whether it is your mother, sister, wife, or friend, gift a copy of Total Body Beautiful and pair it with a Desi’s signature Maduka Equa Eko Round Yoga Mat, resistance bands, and dumbbells for the complete package to be on your way to looking and feeling your best after age 35.

Total Body Beautiful

Secrets for maintaining mind and body health as you age

A woman's mind and body change as she goes through life, and so should her outlook on what it means to be healthy and fit. If you're a woman over age 35, you need fitness and wellness advice that's uniquely tailored to your needs so you can look and feel your best. You need Total Body Beautiful.

With combined decades of experience and dozens of fitness certifications and credentials, the expert team of authors, Andrea Orbeck, Desi Bartlett, and Nicole Stuart, have worked with hundreds of celebrities, supermodels, and ordinary women to develop workout and wellness solutions to stay active and feel good in their own skin—and they can do the same for you. These authors understand the complexities of women's bodies and the changes that occur as women age.

More than an exercise guide, Total Body Beautiful explores the changes that women experience during and after pregnancy, during perimenopause, and during and after menopause. You’ll learn how hormones affect your physical body and emotional wellness, the effects of exercise on the brain, and how nutrition affects the way you look and feel. You'll find insider tips and client stories from celebrities and clients who the authors have worked with. 

Get a renewed outlook on what it means to be fit with Total Body Beautiful.

Learn more